Tinderbox Coventry

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
So Im somewhat new to English Blends.. Never really smoked alot of em' at all.
Mostly been a Cavendish-aromatic - vanilla and chocolate guy, so this is kinda my first foree into the world of "english" tobaccos, if this even counts as English.
The description reads: Mild English blend, with a soft, delicate flavor with a unique character.
I've smoked 4 bowls of this, in the same pipe, over a period of time, since last wednesday.
I cant find any reviews of this stuff online either, so ..here goes:
I noticed in the jar, it smelled musty, campfirey, I smelled a little bit of BBQ and maybe a bit of mustard.
After smoking a bowl of "coventry" I noticed the Latakia, I noticed the Virginia which was easy to pick out, but I noticed a good bit of burley taste too, that was way more apparent as the bowl progressed, could be due to the pipe as well.
Its smokey, kinda campfirey, but not in your face and not over latakiated.
At first it kinda had a funky taste to it, but at the same time, left me wanting more, almost kind of a nutty thing going on.
I was told at the TB that it wasn't a full "english" blend, but not an aromatic either, it was sort of in-between, and she recommended it to anyone wanting to get into English blends, who smokes alot of aros.
It is very good, and now it has me wanting to try more english blends - Sherlock's choice is one that comes to mind on my list next.
Im looking forward to this adventure into English in the near future, I dont think I'll ditch my aros for it, but I do enjoy and its an awesome change of pace.
If your an aro guy, and you would like to get into an english, that feels like it has a familier flavor, because of the burley, then give it a shot. I think its damn good stuff!
I've just started enjoying them myself. Tried for years to no avail but have been really enjoying them lately.

Good review.
gl pease has a lot of good englishes. one of my favs, (not gl pease, but mcclellands) is frog morton. it's pretty light and is not going to knock you down like some englishes can. gl pease chelsea morning and westminster are two other excellent places to start down and english road.
Those lat bombs really put me off the english,,,close as I've come lately is Presbyterian,(yeah I know no lat but it tastes like it),,,this winter I'll get into the light english blends and find a few wimpy baccys that won't choke a horse,,,

Great review Grease,, there's a blend for every niche,,,crossovers included,,