Tobacco too moist?

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Jun 15, 2012
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I got a big batch of one of my favourite aromatic blends. It's called Lord Methley from 4Noggins. It's got a decent flavor and a mild nic kick. Anyway, I light the pipe but it stops halfway through the bowl, could it be just too moist? What I end up doing is when it gets to that point, let the bowl cool off then dump the ashes and relight. Would letting it dry out for a bit cure this?

I'm smoking more these evenings trying to get my technique down so it's more enjoyable. I've got Lord Methleys, Jim's Favourite English (which ended up tasting like ashes after half the bowl) and Sunrise Smoke on my current rotation. I might add in some RPL-6 or 1Q this weekend.

I've noticed that I need to slow down the process of lighting. I do my usual char light and then re-tamp and get a nice cherry. Not sure what else I am missing.
I think I'd probably remove the remaining tobacco and inspect it. If it is a moisture problem, you should see very moist remains.

One test of moisture in a lot is to compress a bit of it and it should spring back. If it stays tight, it needs to dry down a bit. How dry it should be is a judgement call. You could try moving a quantity for the next bowl out a half-hour before loading the pipe to let it dry some as a sample test.

I am not one who gets that involved with moisture beyond the smokability aspect you are experiencing. Other will likely provide better thought on the matter.
Was wondering the net and stop by GLPease and, lo and behold, a similar question.

A: Generally, when people have trouble with a tobacco not staying lit, it’s the result of packing it too tightly. Oriental tobaccos, and especially latakia, do not burn as easily as virginia and burley varieties, and can sometimes be a little finicky. The usual advice is that they should be packed somewhat less tightly, and I’ve always found that to be true. I’m assuming you’ve had similar problems with other mixtures as well, but as mine are not cased with sugars or treated with chemicals to keep them “fresh,” coincidentally helping them burn, they can sometimes be a little more sensitive to packing pressure. Once you get it sorted, this is actually a good thing.
Hmm, interesting. I always check my draw before lighting up. I've been using different pipes though so perhaps I need to learn how to pack them properly, I do the 1/3'rds method, first layer is always compressed about halfway, 2nd is filled up and then compressed to about 2/3rds and the last i fill up and compress just a bit. I usually light up with a bic lighter, and circle the bowl while taking 2-3 second long puffs. I do that 2-3 times. I'll try to compress the first layer to about 2/3's this next time.

Thanks for the followup article. I'm gonna be hanging out with the uncles in a few months and don't want to look like a newbie!

In almost every case, there are going to be goopy moisture issues associated with aromatics. It is the nature of the casing, and the price you pay for the people in your company, while smoking your pipe.
I left some of the Lord Methleys out for about 30 minutes. I also packed the bowl a little less tight than I have done before. It burned hot. My tongue is a little bit irritated though now, which hasn't happened with Lord Methleys before. I was able to smoke 2/3rds of the bowl though, then I had to dump the ash and I smoked a little of what was left in the bowl.

My newbie guess is that the tobacco did need time to dry out and I should pack normal next time after letting it dry up for a bit. I'm guessing that the casing caused the irritated tongue because it wasnt packed tight enough and was burning too hot. Am I right? :shock:

pan1k":6llm3rmv said:
Hmm, interesting. I do the 1/3'rds method, first layer is always compressed about halfway, 2nd is filled up and then compressed to about 2/3rds and the last i fill up and compress just a bit. I usually light up with a bic lighter, and circle the bowl while taking 2-3 second long puffs. I do that 2-3 times. I'll try to compress the first layer to about 2/3's this next time
That 1/3rd business has never worked for me. I use a waterfall method that I think leaves things a bit more uniform. I just keep running tobacco into the bowl. It I use use the 1/3rd method about 2/3rd in there is this hard spot that won't relight and I have to pick the tobacco to relight it.

Waterfall is easier too. Put the the pipe in the tobacco and use two hands. One finger group provides the fodder and the other pushes it it. That seems to give me a uniform pack and the only pressure worry is setting the right amount at the top.

Note that I am not one of the more sophisticated smokers here. I have just smoke pipes off and on for 50+ years and figured out what works for me.
Thanks. I'll give it a try. Going out of town this weekend and I will try that method. I'm bringing Berkshire and Sunrise Smoke with me, strictly english weekend..