Video Games

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Irene Adler

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, so I love video games and was wondering if any of you fellows played/ still play. For those of you who do/did, what's your favorite?

I personally really enjoy/ed Zelda, Pac Man, Sonic the Hedgehog (1,2, and 3), and World of Warcraft (my current vice). =P
I like Paradox games. Currently playing Europa Universalis III for the nth time.
I love World of Warcraft but stopped playing a year or so ago as it was cutting in to the family time a bit here and there. A couple of my best friends played on the same server (Muradin) with me, but they quit for the same reason. Too addicting! Their playing with me made it a blast, though. I loved the battlegrounds, especially Alterac Valley and Arethi Basin. When my kids all go off to college 15 years from now I'll probably get back on. ha ha ha

I currently don't play video games much except with my kids on Wii, and that mainly being the sports games. They play about an hour a day and can earn more time for good behavior, doing chores, etc.
Finally a thread i can contribute to intelligently!

Video games was the inspiration for me to get a job. Mom and Dad bought us the NES in 86' and that was the last one they said they would buy. Needless to say i personally have owned(and still own most) the nes, super nintendo system, N64, gamecube, wii, gameboy(original,colour,advance,ds),sega master system,genesis and sega CD, playstation1,2 and 3, xbox,xbox360, commodore 64...oddly enough no Atari! (and computers of course)

I still play games regularly on the 360 and wii. Favorite genre has to be RPG's like Final Fantasy, secondly platformers like Mario, 1st person shooters in third(halo, goldeneye), hack n'slash(diablo) and sports(tiger woods) but i love all games. Lately have been head over heels into the Mass effect and fallout 3 universe and can't wait for the MMORPG for FALLOUT!

So i guess i have played a few games in my time. :lol:
My favorite is the Resident Evil series by Capcom. I'm a huge fan of horror films so this series is a "dead" giveaway!
BTW, how did your move go? Hope all is well in your new location...
Hi, my name is Tock the Always, and I'm a gamaholic. :D
Zelda was my favorite when I was younger. Now I've moved onto PC gaming with Team Fortress 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
I'm also a huge Portal fan and can't wait for the sequel next year.
I'm even so big a nerd that I'm part of a gaming clan. Our clan has a teamspeak server we use to talk to each other while gaming. Wouldn't it be cool if we could get something like that here? Would make it easier to get to know each other and feel like part of a community if we could actually hear voices.
My video gaming is limited to Solitaire on the laptop. Wait, should I admit that!?! :oops:
I'm a big fan of Mount and Blade: Warband. Commanding men and fighting alongside them in medieval battlefields is awesome!

When I want to command an empire I go and play Rome or Medieval 2 Total War.

I'm looking really forward to Starcraft 2!!!! It can't come fast enough!
Oh I know a bunch of people excited for Starcraft 2. I was in on the beta and got completely destroyed so I dunno if I'll bother getting it. :(