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    • C
      I have both types, too, but I am becoming a bit more attuned to the straights. Most of my bent types are less than half bent.
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      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Ranger, Hats off to you. I agree with you that all of us contributed in some way to the service of the US. I was the first man in our...
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      Carl reacted to Ranger107's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      Carl, did 2 black ops missions in 67 to 70. The intelligence we got from you guys was invaluable. Everyone in the military is important...
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Singed, I'm 79 and served in Military Intelligence in the years 68-72. I never heard a shot fired in anger or saw combat, but I'm...
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Singed, Thanks for your input. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I agree with you quite easily. Carl
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Jim, Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. I've always loved history and taught it for 30 years in local schools. Best regards, Carl
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Jim, I earned two degrees in history back in the 60's, and it's almost impossible to be completely neutral about any topic one is...
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      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Thanks, Jim
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Jim, I have a question for you, since you know a heck of a lot about pipes. I bought a Rattray's Brave Heart shape 153 about a month...
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      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Zip, Thanks for the reply and the info. I guess each country has its own way of identifying the units that soldiers belong to. A big...
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      Carl replied to the thread Hello everyone.
      Welcome from SC.
    • C
      Carl replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Zippo, Being a US Army veteran, I can't help but wonder how British servicemen/women keep all of those cap badges straight. Over here...
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