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    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Matched Grain Pipe-Desirabilty.
      When I see “matched grain” pipes I think of Kaywoodie.
    • daveinlax
      Just got a new car! This was the first new car I’ve bought that didn’t come with a permanent dealer badge.
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread STG to Acquire Mac Baren..
      You’re right book keeping for a shop is a full time job. Every stick and ounce of tobacco has to be accounted for but it’s the...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Selling your McClelland's?.
      Yeah but with Pipestud he knows the weights and you’re likely to pop a perfect tin. LoL! I could buy 15 pounds of my favorite Balkan for...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Las Vegas Intl Pipe Show 2024!.
      The link is live for tickets to the Las Vegas Intl Pipe Show 2024 Saturday Awards Dinner at...
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    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Reducing indoor smell/staining.
      I have a Rabbit Air with the charcoal smoke filter and it helps but you’ll know a pipe smoker lives here when you walk in the door. I...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Congratulations to Greg Pease!.
      Nate King of all pipes was also inducted. Congratulations!
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread 14 Hours.
      I was bobbing in the pool yesterday overhearing a conversation between a surgical tech from Denver and her mom. She said the hospital’s...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Las Vegas Intl Pipe Show 2024!.
      We’re just four months away from opening the show. Tables, Admissions and Hotel Reservations are available at
      • IMG_1105.jpg
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread HELLO OUT THERE.
      Welcome! What Edward’s mixtures do you miss? Many were just renamed bulk blends. I’ll be Zooming with a former Edward’s shop owner...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Left handed pipe smokers.
      I’ve got a collection of big pipes with plateau tops and a couple are definitely lefties.
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Floods in Texas.
      They probably spent more on the skulls than they have in the bank. From my understanding these people are in a cult of personality. Most...
    • daveinlax
      They have a DHL account. If you were on the hook (as I’ve been) for the return it would probably cost you $70.00 bucks to send it back...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Ed Burak's Connoisseur Giants.
      Very Impressive Collection! There was guy who was a regular at my local pipe shop who worked part time at The Connonissure Shop while he...
    • daveinlax
      daveinlax replied to the thread Las Vegas Intl Pipe Show 2024!.
      Our Room Block is Filling Up Fast and Our Early Bird Promotion is Ending Soon! Go to to book your room and to buy...
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