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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Maiser

    Pesticides and tobacco.

    Here is something that has been on my mind for a while now. I am a big supporter of naturally grown and organics foods; meaning no pesticides, herbicides, unnatural fertilizers, etc. I find that these foods are superior in nutrition and taste to commercially grown produce and meats. And...
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    Upcoming Carvers to Watch out for.

    Know of any? Post a link. Trey Rice was discussed on this forum some time ago, I checked out his work and I really like the simplicity and gracefulness of his pipes. They are, as Itinerant and I would say, "a working man's pipes".
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    Pipe selling scandal? Are we being swindled?

    TOBACCOPIPESHOP (Dot) COm This is a link to an etailer that I had not formerly known about until doing a search for "Adam Davidson Pipes" (I like his work). After perusing their stock of his pipes, I noticed that I had seen most of these before on Particularly this one...
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    Great ebay pipes Hey Bros, Bought a bruce weaver from this incredible ebay seller, he's got plenty of other awesome pipes for sale, his shipping is FREE AND INSURED, plus he is open to haggling ("make an offer") and he's got good...
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    Storing Flakes...

    Hello all, So, about storing bulk flakes, how do you guys do it? is there a good jar that you can lay them down flat in, or some other way to keep them airtight, laying flat, that you know of? -Mike.
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    Penzance Problems

    I have some penzance stored in mason jars, and I have a question about it's appearance. Do you guys see silverish spots on your flakes? Or am I looking at some mold? I opened one of my jars and they didn't smell moldy or anything, but I'd like to know your guys' experiences. -Mike.
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    Smoking a squat bowl

    I have a hard time getting my more squat bowled pipes to not go out. Tobacco preparation is already taken into account (I have even tried smoking brittle tobacco to see if it could be kept lit, it was easier, but not by much). Any hints or suggestions? -Mike.
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    Pease Pilgrimage

    For those of you who hate the lack of consistent, scientifically tested (as scientific as it gets, I guess) reviews on, this guy is on a "Pease Pilgrimage" to taste every single GL Pease blend, and his reviews are great. Whenever I want info about a Pease blend, the first...
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    Mason Jar lids.

    a Question for you, Do you re-use the lids of mason jars (The part with the rubber gasket is what I'm talking about) or do you just buy new ones when recycling your mason jars? I find that mine have the smell of their former tobacco ingrained in the rubber. I have tried wiping and drying with...
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    How Dunhill Pipes are Made. This video was posted on youtube on Jan. 5th 2011.
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    Future Shortages.

    We all know about the current availability issues with certain tobaccos: FVF, (or most SG for that matter) Penzance yadda yadda. To say anything more on that topic is like whistling in a hurricane. So, my question for you, gents, is this... What do you think will be in short supply in the...
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    McClelland Va Flake 2035

    McClelland 2035 Originally tried this tobacco in a tiny cob that I use to get a 5 minute or less taste of a blend, and tasted nothing. Seriously nothing. Trying it in a squat apple nosewarmer and the flavors are coming out a little more. This apple is a strict VA pipe and it has had things...
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    Smoking Buddies

    Gents, I have a smoking method that I was discussing with someone else, and was told would be better shared on the boards. I do not generally smoke pipes by myself. In fact, about 80% of my smokes are shared with one of my best friends, Derek. Furthermore, when Derek and I smoke together, we...
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    2 questions about Airway.

    Hey all, here are some questions for all you Pipemakers or general know-it-alls (Sasquatch might be both of these). 1. I have heard much talk about larger airways in a pipe's engineering making for a better smoke, which I find to be true. My pipes that pass fluffy cleaners with ease tend to...
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    Identifying a Samuel Gawith Blend

    shortened story, then questions. Friend goes to Virginia, visits Old Virginia Tobacco Company. Asks if I want something, I say SG FVF, if they have it. Guy weighs out 5 ounces of it and gives it to her. She brings it back to me. Stuff is definitely not FVF. It smells like chocolate and I am...
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    Maigers Knets Very interesting carver, just wanted to share. Apparently he designs various things for large companies, so his aesthetics are excellent. The proof is in the pudding, I guess.
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    SG Navy FLake

    While I normally love SGNF, I want to warn all of you who may not have smoked it before... It is terrible when not properly dried. I know that flakes are harder to dry out than loose tobacco, but I was being impatient and I only let mine dry for an hour or so. It was still pliable in my hands...
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    Awesome new acquisition. A TotemStar chubby apple. Handmade by Gunnar Weber-Prada. I bought it on Briarblues, and mike was very nice and very communicative. The pictures don't do it justice, but the grain is awesome and the staining really brings it out. Great birdseye on the bottom. The stem...
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    Favorite American Pipe Maker...

    Let's see it gents! Your favorite carver from any of the 50 United States, and why. Me personally? Bruce Weaver... sandblasting.
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    Chubby pipes.

    So... I know that American carvers are sort of running with the idea of the chubby shape (think: Huhn, Weaver, I've even seen some beautiful chubby T Johnson's) but where or when did this squat aesthetic really take root? -mike.