Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2008
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After a 38 year hiatus, they're releasing a new album and going on tour.
They're all in their 70s.
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Good for them, but I wouldn't walk across the street with a free ticket already in hand to see that. As a fan of anything, I like to leave my memories be. I snub my nose at reunions.
The quite elderly Rolling Stones played to a crowd of 45,000 in Minneapolis last week. The reviews were good and a friend who took his son and grandson, said that all three enjoyed the concert. When I asked what he paid for tickets, he replied, "A lot." Based on where he said his seats were located, I'd guess about $500 per ticket.
Because my memory for some things is 100% absolute crap, I can't remember the name of the movie, but I went with a lady friend, pre-pandemic, to a movie at the local Riverview Theater that had an ABBA soundtrack and lyrics sheets were handed out to sing along. With all the terrible singing, it made it very difficult to sleep.
The ticket prices are insane. Several years ago, a friend went to see The Police in Wrigley Field. Ordered with a credit card per normal for four people. Didn't pay attention to the final price. They played for around 45 minutes, but definitely less than an hour. I think they said it was around $300/ticket.
Think what that kind of donation would mean to an outfit doing cancer research…or locally distributing food to the elderly or poor folks…or an international program to bootstrap hopeless kids with education and medical care…etc., etc., etc.
I honestly think that there's a price that someone will pay for every event, including me. Many years ago, there was a venue in Minneapolis named the Carleton Celebrity Lounge. Seating capacity was in the low hundreds and ticket prices were quite high to compensate for the limited attendance. I had the opportunity to see the comedian Henny Youngman. Every local comedian, morning drive announcer, TV personality was there. Nobody got comps; nobody. Youngman was in his mid 80s and we all wanted to see "the king of the one-liners" while he still toured. I think I paid a couple hundred bucks for my seat and could have sold it for double. He was absolutely hilarious. Youngman said he was working all new, untried material. A few times during the show, everyone was laughing so hard, Henny had to pause because he was laughing with the audience; once, so hard he had to sit down to catch his breath.
He was a master.
Sitting near me were Louie Anderson and the recently deceased local comic Scott Hansen. Hansen was easily 400 lbs at the time and was laughing so hard, I thought he'd pass out, just trying to catch his breath