I have batches all over my house ready to ship which are in my way! Plus, I have several more batches to list. So, all batches are now $55.00 which still includes free Priority Mail shipping which has been ranging from $17.00 to $35.00 plus depending on the location, etc. I have made one donation to BOB and would like to do more from future sales! I hate to use some of this good, aged tobacco for insect repellant. It works great for keeping scorpions out of my house here in the mtns! I used to have to spray bad chemicals around my foundation several times/ yr . A couple of yrs ago I started sprinkling tobacco I didn't like around the foundation and have only seen one scorpion in my house! I read where the Indians used tobacco for insect repellent and they knew what they were doing!!
Tnx so much and please use my PM for all correspondence !
Tnx so much and please use my PM for all correspondence !