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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2012
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:affraid: Crap my 7 year old is asking everyone where babies come from. They all tell her that I will tell her, which is the right thing to say in my book, but 7 seriously :affraid: She knows her mommy is ALWAYS pregnant, but not how the babies get into mommy. Honesty or the dang stork...I am so screwed. I'm really dreading the day when...well the little red monthly monster starts. God give me more time please and if I by chance ever have a 4th kid let it be a boy, 2 girls is more than enough.
I feel for you. I have two girls myself. 3 weeks of every month I have to be more sensitive.....I wish they would get on the same cycle.

But I have to say I'm better off with girls. I am a hard man on some things and I would probably be worse with boys.
Those things deal with attitude and whining. I'm a "suck it up and get to work" kind of guy. Pity parties are to last for a minute or less. Then you start planning on what you are going to do to make it better. Then you get to work. Sometimes I am a little flexible on the pity party length but not by much :lol:
Depends on how mature she is for her age kaiser. Growing up on a farm solved a lot of problems for our parents when it came to these questions.

Buying a farm not an option? Don't lie to her, but don't tell her the whole story right off the bat either.

Sucks to be you... Sorry this conversation has come up so early. I've learned from my wife that children don't always need to know EVERYTHING to be satisfied. You can pick a 7 year old version, maybe somewhat scientific about the sperm and egg or something and see how that works. It might be just enough for now.

When my kids asked early, we told them "PG" versions, and they were happy just having a little info.

In my opinion, lying will come back at you later, and ignoring it will only create more interest.

Them's my two cents.

Good luck!
good advice there. We gave them as little information as was needed to answer their questions accurately and honestly. But what you also might try is asking her, "where do you think they come from?" But never lie to them. We didn't even tell our kids about Santa or the Easter Bunny. And now they are both in their early twenties and still trust and confide in us.

I asked my uncle too who has 12 girls. He said to do the whole version between 10-12 but for now to keep it simple. Considering one of his girls turned out to be a nun, I am so following that advice, and a ton of other advice he gave me.
kaiser83":iatqwvqi said:
I asked my uncle too who has 12 girls. He said to do the whole version between 10-12 but for now to keep it simple. Considering one of his girls turned out to be a nun, I am so following that advice, and a ton of other advice he gave me.
I suppose he knows what he's doin' if he's got twelve girls. ;)
Hermit":f7hmzd5c said:
kaiser83":f7hmzd5c said:
I asked my uncle too who has 12 girls. He said to do the whole version between 10-12 but for now to keep it simple. Considering one of his girls turned out to be a nun, I am so following that advice, and a ton of other advice he gave me.
I suppose he knows what he's doin' if he's got twelve girls. ;)
apparently he didn't know how to stop what he was doing :)

Luckily for me my girls went to my wife.

I do feel for you. Delicate subject for one so young.

I feel for you brother! 5 kids (3girls) it's not easy but definitely go with the G/PG version. Too much info too soon is as bad as not enough! Good luck

kaiser83":snn9jq66 said:
I asked my uncle too who has 12 girls. He said to do the whole version between 10-12 but for now to keep it simple. Considering one of his girls turned out to be a nun, I am so following that advice, and a ton of other advice he gave me.
Whoa. And I thought that my father in law was a patient man for having 4 girls...This man is a Saint!
Oh soon enough she will be finding everything out and more from her friends and the internet and YOU will be the one asking questions! :lol!:

I'm sorry about the crude joke but there is a hint of truth there. I volunteer at a kid/teenager help line and sympathize quite a bit as I know how keen they are to ask all those questions the grown-ups really don't want to answer, especially to a child. Personally I believe that lack of information puts young people and especially girls in much more danger than a bit too much information for the adult's tastes. Self-respect and sensibility come from a completely different source and I don't believe they conlfilt with being informed. :)

But yes most of the time asking a child 1) where did she learn that word/thing 2) what does she already know seems like a good initial approach as it also buys the adult some time. If it's about the workings of one's own body well there's not really any risks involved there so I wouldn't be too stressed.

Girls are lovely, and children an teenagers in general in all their curiousness about life but sometimes grown-ups just make simple things awkward and difficult :p
Seriously (for once, I know!) I've used the plant/pollen thing and it worked. Looking at how pollinating plants reproduce is non sexual (to kids) and somewhat understandable and sets a base knowledge that can be shifted to animals when needed. It lays the foundation of male & female, fertilization, and budding "fruit".
