
Brothers of Briar

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
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Kansas prairie
Anyone watching it? I have to say, except for the fact that the male lead has a British accent and that they throw in the occasional reference to something pertaining to one of the original stories, it's not very "Sherlock-ian" and not much different than your typical TV mystery show. However, I happen to be one of those who finds Lucy Liu incredibly hot, so I will probably continue to watch.
I watch it and enjoy it.

I don't get hung up on the Sherlock Holmes thing. :lol:

And I agree with you about Lucy Liu!
Lucy Lui is hot. The program, unfortunately as far as Sherlock Holmes related stuff goes pales in comparison to the BBC's recent "Sherlock."
My wife and I are both huge Sherlock Holmes fans, and we both love Elementary - it's one of our favorite shows.

BUT, we love the show on its own merits, having nothing to do with any resemblance to Doyle's work (which, aside from names and occasional references have little-to-nothing to do with the original Holmes.)
I tried to watch the pilot back in september or whenever that was, but I didn't manage to make it through. Seemed like just so much typical cop-drama shite. Haven't bothered since then.
Yes, I watch and enjoy this show.

Yes, it is weak tea in comparison to the BBC show, Sherlock

Yes, a big part of my enjoyment from the CBS show has to do with Lucy Liu
It's a decent show. I can watch it so long as I don't delude myself that this has anything to do with the classic Sherlock Holmes character.
I think its a clever take on Sherlock Holmes: A reforming drug-addict with his rehabilitation counselor. The eccentricities of the character keeps it interesting.

I also enjoy the BBC Sherlock and Bilbo show and am curious if they're filming any more episodes.

Currently, my wife and I are enjoying the 1980's series with Jeremy Brett.
Jeremy Brett's turn as Holmes was really rather brilliant.

I like Elementary. As an "inspired by" kind of show.


Lucy Liu.

:twisted: 8)

Yep.... nuff said.