For the Moron Within

Brothers of Briar

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Richard Burley

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
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Anyone else want to drag this guy out of his car and beat him senseless?

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Richard Burley":887trjew said:
Anyone else want to drag this guy out of his car and beat him senseless?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
Are you an easily distracted, self-centered, absent-minded driver? If so, then this car is for you . . . if you can be bothered to remember the name
I do, I do! Everything is made for the idiot nowadays.
Instead of letting them die by there own stupid mistakes the Government is trying to keep them a live long enough so they can benefit from there taxes.
I really noticed how things are made for the idiots when my daughter, god bless her, bought me a new laptop and it had Windows 8.1 on it. This software is for the people who haven't a clue about PC's and to top it off you almost have to sign up for Bill Gate's crapola to do
most on it. Talk about a control freak, Bite Me Bill Gates!

Gees! Glad that's off my chest now, on to pipes and tobacco.
But will this car chew my food for me? Cause you know I might take too big of a bite and choke to death. What about wipe my hay fever induced runny nose in the spring time? :fpalm:
And instead of all those pleasant flashy lights and zen like warning tones for when I zone out while driving, how about a painful electric shock or mechanical arm that slaps a knot on the side of your head while telling you to "PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING YOU JACK WAGON!"
Fumus":sxlhu0v8 said:
But will this car chew my food for me? Cause you know I might take too big of a bite and choke to death. What about wipe my hay fever induced runny nose in the spring time? :fpalm:
     And instead of all those pleasant flashy lights and zen like  warning tones for when I zone out while driving, how about a painful electric shock or mechanical arm that slaps a knot on the side of your head while telling  you to "PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING YOU JACK WAGON!"  
Oooh! I like this! A lot.  :lol:
Richard Burley":v36omu8i said:
Anyone else want to drag this guy out of his car and beat him senseless?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
Because he drives an Infinity or because he can't drive?


As a motorcycle rider - I'll say there are more people that aren't paying attention than are.
Soon we'll have driverless cars and you think your insurance costs are high now ? :twisted: :twisted:
monbla256":04z223pd said:
Soon we'll have driverless cars and you think your insurance costs are high now ? :twisted: :twisted:
Then the costs should be carried by the company directing the car (but almost certainly won't be, of course)
DrT999":n72g6uzc said:
monbla256":n72g6uzc said:
Soon we'll have driverless cars and you think your insurance costs are high now ? :twisted: :twisted:
Then the costs should be carried by the company directing the car (but almost certainly won't be, of course)
As my CO back in the University of Vietnam told me one time "... take woulda', coulda' and shoulda' out of your vocabulary and you'll be alot happier !!" :twisted:
So an alarm goes off, a light on the dash flashes,,,the first thing anyone this moronic will do is take their eyes off the road to look at the warning panel. :fpalm:
A 10 inch steel spike permanently fixed to the middle of the steering wheel would do the same thing.

I had a Volvo tractor with that crap affixed to it almost 15 years ago.. All that beeping and flashing drove me nuts until I learned to tune it out.

The two worst part:
If you 'got to close' it would kick your cruise control off.... Close being about 10 seconds at 65mph.

Traffic would drive you nuts too. Bumper to bumper and all four 'detectors' going batshit craY craY.
Cartaphilus":zz05pyyv said:
Instead of letting them die by there own stupid mistakes
That's the problem with old folks too... Back 30-40 years ago you knew any old dude was a wise old bird well worth listening to. Now, with modern medicine, it's just hard to call it. Some old dudes are wise, some just had real good benefits at their job.
Richard Burley":sa5ckcff said:
Anyone else want to drag this guy out of his car and beat him senseless?
puros_bran":6mxy4mn5 said:
Cartaphilus":6mxy4mn5 said:
Instead of letting them die by there own stupid mistakes
That's the problem with old folks too... Back 30-40 years ago you knew any old dude was a wise old bird well worth listening to.  Now, with modern medicine, it's just hard to call it.  Some old dudes are wise, some just had real good benefits at their job.
What's benefits? :scratch:
That's where you go to work and a portion of your pay is diverted behind the scenes to pay a third party to pay less for your medical care than you pay in over a lifetime.

Since we are that far off topic.. Ever thought about medical expense insurance? Regardless of what the big bussiness, corporations loving, democrats tell you 'insurance' does not equal 'health care'. Health care is about wellness, Insurance is about a big corporation taking more in than they pay out. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better and more rightly known as Obamacare) should be called The Corporate Protection and Mandated Market Care Act.
puros_bran":r1f3pno8 said:
That's where you go to work and a portion of your pay is diverted behind the scenes to pay a third party to pay less for your medical care than you pay in over a lifetime.  

Since we are that far off topic..   Ever thought about medical expense insurance?   Regardless of what the big bussiness, corporations loving, democrats tell you 'insurance' does not equal 'health care'.     Health care is about wellness, Insurance is about a big corporation taking more in than they pay out.       The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better and more rightly known as Obamacare)  should be called The Corporate Protection and Mandated Market Care Act.
You're right there !! When it was first written it was a HEALTH CARE bill, but it did NOT benifit the Insurance Corps. so they got on board and rewrote it to be an INSURANCE bill keeping the bogus name concerning "Health Care" But that's to be expected considering we live in the United Corporation of Amurica now and things will get even more so with the bunch up in DC now. They've got to pay their bills for elections :twisted: :twisted: Neat how this post got hijacked so easily !! :twisted: :twisted:
This is why I don't have cable. And the driverless car thing is coming. Not sure how I feel about it
puros_bran":bi8s16uk said:
That's where you go to work and a portion of your pay is diverted behind the scenes to pay a third party to pay less for your medical care than you pay in over a lifetime.  

Since we are that far off topic..   Ever thought about medical expense insurance?   Regardless of what the big bussiness, corporations loving, democrats tell you 'insurance' does not equal 'health care'.     Health care is about wellness, Insurance is about a big corporation taking more in than they pay out.       The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better and more rightly known as Obamacare)  should be called The Corporate Protection and Mandated Market Care Act.
All I know is I remember when I was a young man working and my employer GAVE me benefits FREE for me and my family which I didn't have and never used. When I got older and needed them they then wanted me to PAY twice as much as they were worth and get a 1/4 as much coverage.
Jevverrett":enh85dba said:
This is why I don't have cable. And the driverless car thing is coming. Not sure how I feel about it
Heck, If I didn't have cable I wouldn't have internet and only get 3 channels on the TV
if the antenna didn't blow down. :fpalm:
Hmm, Maybe that's a good thing?
Cartaphilus":9ey7vwts said:
Jevverrett":9ey7vwts said:
This is why I don't have cable. And the driverless car thing is coming. Not sure how I feel about it
Heck, If I didn't have cable I wouldn't have internet and only get 3 channels on the TV
if the antenna didn't blow down. :fpalm:
Hmm, Maybe that's a good thing?
I have the Internet. And the netflix for the kids