Going sans filter...Your thoughts?

Brothers of Briar

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Aug 24, 2010
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I've been a cigar smoker for years, but I'm a novice to pipes. My collection consists of one $12 corn cob with a Medico filter. I like the way the pipe draws with the filter, but just tried smoking it without. Upon removal of the filter I noticed that it draws too loosely.

My question is this...If I remove the filter on a pipe made to hold one, do I need to pack my tobacco more tightly to get a firmer draw? Will packing it more tightly not prevent my bowl from holding a light?

I fear that my questions may indicate a wealth of ignorance on my part, and I appreciate any guidance a brother can offer.


Hi Aaron,

Most of the time, I use a filter when smoking a pipe. I guess I’m filling it only a little bit more tightly when smoking without a filter.
Either way, I sort of adjust the packing so I get the optimum draw – then light the tobacco and enjoy!

Best, Lars
Aaron, you can remove the filter and pack your tobacco appropriately to get the draw you prefer. Over time you will find out how different tobaccos need to be packed. A pipe should not draw as firmly as does a cigar, you sip on a pipe rather than pull hard on it. The firmer pack will likely help the burn quality of the pipe, as a dense coal tends to stay lit better once you get it going. A very light tamping between lights helps keep the fire burning as well.

After 30 plus years I am just deciding that I have been packing my pipes too tight all this time and am enjoying the flavor much more now with a looser pack. It may in fact smoke better, the medico type filters are not known for being smooth and clean drawing.

Regarding filters in general, you be your own judge on that. I have pretty much given up using any filters, I used to use filters in my Brigham pipes that had their own special type but lately I don't even bother with those.
I'll answer with more questions. Being a cigar smoker did you use a filter? Why use one on a pipe? I'd stay away from filtered pipes unless you're a big inhaler and even then I don't know how much good they do.
I'm sure there might be some good filtering systems out there but Medico is not one of them IMHO.
Hunter - Very good explanation. I will remember that about "sipping."

Falconer - I wasn't thinking of using a filter for any health concerns. I just noticed I liked the way it drew with the filter in. Of course, as Hunter has explained so well, I'll just pack it tighter and not expect the same kinda draw from a pipe as I do a cigar.

Thank you so much for your input brothers.
Not sure if you want to pack it tighter. I have a tendency for tight packing too and this is something I'm trying to correct. The tighter you pack, the harder and more often you have to puff. In regard to filters: I don't like them. They're not necessary and way too much trouble. If I buy a filter pipe I remove any filters that come with it immediately, but I try to limit myself to pipes that don't accept filters. That being said: this is my preference, if you like the filter approach more after giving the alternative the good college try, why not? There are plenty of people who smoke with a filter.
That medico paper filter is way to restrictive for me in terms of draw on the cobs!!!!
You could use a Savanelli 6mm balsa filter, it works well and fits nice in the cob. the draw is better for me anyway.
I pack as usual when smoking without filters. Not to tight, not to loose.
Good luck!
My filter pipes are mostly the larger 9mm European filters. But either the 9mm or the 6mm Savanelli or paper Dr. Grabow can be removed and the pipe smoked. A number of the brothers prefer to smoke without filter in their MM cob pipes. Try both and see what works for you.
