Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Mayhem!:::December BOB Bombing Run

Brothers of Briar

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Thanks everyone for a truly special year of mayhem, mischief and good old fashioned giving.

Merry Christmas and see you in the New Year.
Merry Christmas to all! Thank you all for such a wonderful year and an epic month of bombing. I am currently doing my annuals on the Fokker and will be ready to fly after the new year. All pilots, please enjoy the time with family, and if you aren't with family this year, please know that your BoB family is with you in spirit. May you all have a blessed, joyous, and restful day.

Merry Christmas to all my briar brothers and sisters! Thank you for including me in this awesome community and I look forward to more bombing runs! *Salute*

As so often before, I claim to be the paragon of innocence.  However, today I made the discovery that I am no longer such.  

It seems the navigation computers of a weapon of mass destruction could not plot the declination and right ascension of my airbase.  No boom-boom, due to my stealthy, mobile nature.  As such, we have made official bombing history: a target that eluded destruction.

As such, I owe the member of the Squadron that drew me as a target, a huge apology.  Him/her put a great deal of thought and effort into sending me into oblivion, and was rewarded by the very large disappointment of a returned parcel.  I also have to apologize to the entire Squadron, as I have been the source of a black mark on our perfect record.  To all of you, in particular the poor soul left flying in the dark, and our Commander, I throw myself on the mercy of my Sisters (ladies first) and Brothers.  My most humble of apologies.
_____ 1. Wet towels snapped in a cold shower.

_____ 2. Forced to listen to seemingly endless recriminations from Bea Arthur.

_____ 3. Cable TV feed changed to all girl party talk shows.

_____ 4. Kyle declared to be your new roomie.

_____ 5. Home address distributed as U.S. target for all inbound fund requests from Nigeria.

_____ 6. Your name given to Homeland Security as inventor of working Tesla death ray.

_____ 7. Neighbor's goat let into your secret herb garden.

_____ 8. All your hot cars and trucks are transmogrified into fleet of sky blue Toyota Prius'.

_____ 9. Entire meat locker magically converted to chick peas.

_____ 10. Other squadron member's punishment here.

Pick yer poison! These are the easy ones.
I'll have to think about this...

Bea Arthur is dead, so that might not be too bad.

I just installed a new hot water heater, so no cold showers for me.

No cable or satellite here, in fact, I'm not sure where the TV is.

Kyle would freeze to death here, plus I fear some of the eye candy that floats around here wouldn't be to his taste.  I'm thinking of his well being.

I've already got the inside line on Ebola, so Nigeria is nothing.

Homeland Security already professed their love to me in Vegas at the airport.

You remembered the neighbor's goat.  He suffered a decline in health and no longer roams my property.

My truck would make several Prius, so that might not be too bad.  If I can keep my driveline.

I already use chick peas, so leave the real protein alone (never I say!)

"Other" looks like the only option.

You should suffer too.  We made me invisible, and did it quite well.  Don't make me come to Oregon with some Pirate Kake or Commonwealth.  I did burn a bowl of Blackpool a few nights ago though.  You know, that blend grows on you.
Lesath":rna8kvfm said:
Complete and utter stealth.  Let's just say I get around, and it's difficult to remain current with me.  I shuffle my ME 262s around to keep them safe.
Ahhh, got it, and good I idea. I should abandon my bunker sometime as well. You never know who's lurking around the corner.
We never miss our man...NEVER.

Trust me, this ain't over, not by a long shot! :twisted:

In other news I was completely remiss to mention that I was subject to an unexpected bombing by my very own co-commander. I to make this whole western stand off run work I had to leave my own name off the list (couldn't order a pilot to bomb me after all). Seems like good ol, D&B would stand nothing of the sort! I must say this was unexpected and it came with a great card. Hat's off to Chris for being an exemplary squadron member!

Here's a link to the next hottest thing!!!.


Santa finally located my bunker, and as you can see, has been generous with me.  Coffee, from El Salvador, Pacamara.  Frosty the Snowman, packed with candy.  The peppermint bark squares have already been assaulted.  Tobaccos: Christmas Cheer 2014, Gaslight, Royal Cajun Ebony, the good old standby of Balkan Sasieni, and a tin of Classic Samsun.  I was getting ready to eat, so the rest of the stuff laying there was rendered down into a killer sauce, which I'm recovering from as I type.  Santa, thank you for your persistence, and accept my apologies and thank you for the well thought out goodies.  Just think, we've less than a year.