McClelland's Bulk 5110 Dark Full English???

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
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Anyone ever try this blend out? I'm told it is supposed to be very, very close to the same thing as the regular Frog Morton. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

Full Dark English is not quite as sweet as Froggy, I don't think. Frog Mo to me almost has a black cavendish type of virginia taste, just so sweet and smooth.

Full Dark English strikes me as more like Commonwealth, but maybe not quite so much latakia. It's smooth and tasty and a little one dimensional, but it's a decent product.
Thanks for the input, Sas! I was looking for something that's available in bulk that would be comparable to the Frog Morton... yet, a tad cheaper. When I talked to Rich at 4noggins about it the other day, he was the one who told me it was supposed to be so close to the Frog Morton. He said it was a "generic" Frog Morton that had Oriental tobacco added that the Frog Morton doesn't. But, he added that instead of taking his word for it, I should ask the brothers here.

Again, I thank you for your input!!!

You could always buy a blending tin of Latakia or Orientals from McClelland to tweak the bulk up a bit. A pinch goes a long way.......
That's true. But, I'm thinking I'd need a lot more discerning taste than mine to figure out exactly what I needed to add or subtract to get the "Frog Morton" that I'm looking for!

Yes, 5150 is a great English Bulk. Has a sweetness to it that's very similar to Frog Morton Across the Pond, in my opinion. A bit less refined, but I'll take it for half the price!
mattia76":tkx9e148 said:
Yes, 5150 is a great English Bulk. Has a sweetness to it that's very similar to Frog Morton Across the Pond, in my opinion. A bit less refined, but I'll take it for half the price!
Aaaaah... quite interesting! I figured that there would be no way that it would taste exactly like Frog Morton. But, it was my hope that it would be very, very close. It is usually easy for me to convince my taste buds to be happy with something that is lesser expensive... as long as the difference is not huge.

An example of what I am talking about... Years ago, I drove a Wonder Bread delivery truck. During my training period, I was fortunate enough to get to visit the Wonder Bread/Hostess Cake bakery in the DFW, TX area. There, I learned that Wonder Bred made Wonder Bread and a generic bread called County Fair. According to the bakery guide, the only difference between the recipe for the Wonder Bread and the County Fair was the amount of sugar used! The County Fair called for just a tad less. Besides the different wrappers used and the difference in the amount of sugar used, everything about the two breads was identical!! Despite that fact, there were folks who insisted that they loved Wonder Bread and loathed County Fair!! :lol:

Me... I loved both! But, my pocket book loved the County Fair enough to convince my brain to buy it and my taste buds to enjoy it!!! ;)

Would love to comment but I am with SAS on this one.
Dark full English was just a little to full for me, I enjoy lighter English Blends where the Lat is a little on the back burner.
The sweetness in Froggie is what saves it for me, maybe the VA is more pronounced!

Either way Rob, McClelland have access to Syrian Lat which make all their English blends top Class!
Smoke and Enjoy bro!!
Thanks, Piet!

I've been sitting here trying to imagine Frog Morton with just a bit less sweetness to it. I think it would still be fine for me. I guess the best thing for me to do is to get a small sample from 4noggins and give it a try, huh??

I haven't tried the FM series but I have smoked 5110 - it's really good. If you're looking for a sweetish lat blend, you may want to try C&D Epiphany "A delightful new light English blend. Epiphany is reminiscent of the original Revelation blend that was said to be the favorite of a certain reknowned thinker named Einstein." A bargain at $30/ lb. Here's a link:
Muddler":yhcqa4ar said:
I haven't tried the FM series but I have smoked 5110 - it's really good. If you're looking for a sweetish lat blend, you may want to try C&D Epiphany "A delightful new light English blend. Epiphany is reminiscent of the original Revelation blend that was said to be the favorite of a certain reknowned thinker named Einstein." A bargain at $30/ lb. Here's a link:
The brother has spoken!!!! :cheers: :cheers:
I'll vouch for Epiphany, but not as a comparison to Frog Morton. Epiphany has a brandy-ish topping on it, which lends extra sweetness to the smoke, but it's Burley-based rather than VA-based, so there's not a ton of natural sweetness to be had from the 'baccy itself. I'm certainly a fan of both!
I love 5110 and I dare say I've not found an english tinned tobacco yet that smokes as well!

Personally I think its real close to FMOTT, so close that I buy 5110 bulk rather then pay tin price.
I thank you for all your input, my brothers! And, I thank you for the link, Muddler!!

I have decided that as soon as I can I will order a sample of the 5110 and the Epiphany... in addition to some more Frog Morton.

Here's my take on Frog Morton: It has a sweet... but, not sickeningly sweet taste. It seems almost as if I can detect a hint of spearmint in it. It produces lots of thick, creamy smoke. It smokes with little to no maintenance. I think I could smoke it fast and hard enough to burn a hole through my Nording Freehand without ever experiencing any tongue bite. And, the creme de la creme is the fact that Linda loves the room note... says it's the best smelling tobacco she's ever smelled!!

For me, those are the things that have made Frog Morton the ultimate tobacco for me... so far! And, if the 5110 and Epiphany fill that bill... or even come close, I"m sure I will like them!!

Having been a heavy cigarette smoker most of my life, I would love to find a tobacco very similar to Frog Morton that would pack a hefty nicotine punch! For me, that would be the ultimate, ultimate tobacco!! The flavor and the thick, creamy smoke of Frog Morton seem to help distract me from its nicotine shortcomings. But, after smoking it for a while, I feel the "need" for a cigarette to replenish my on board nicotine supply!!!

If any of you have any input concerning my "ultimate, ultimate tobacco," or any guidance, please point the way! I will happily follow your lead!!!

Again, thank you for all of your input!

I've always found the green line of McClellands to be one dimensional and really not as satisfying as I hoped. I also don't think English blends are in their wheelhouse. I'm not sure why they can't get them as right as they do their Virginia blends. Maybe their supplier of leaf isn't as good as some of the others? Not that it isn't high quality, because it is. Maybe as blenders, they just don't understand the process as well? I wish I knew. I've always been fascinated, and drawn to, the McClelland company, but I know it isn't likely that I'm going to get my English fix from their roster.
I love 5110 and I dare say I've not found an english tinned tobacco yet that smokes as well!

I certainly agree. At 84 yrs Old I've decided to take up the pipe again, and was crushed to learn that 5110 was no longer.. I have put out feelers to find what tobacco and amounts of each to replicate this blend. That is the question gentlemen-----any ideas?
That may not be possible. The unique processes that go on behind closed doors of tobacco blenders can be close guarded secrets.

There are a number of suggestions on the Tobacco Reviews website. Most I am not familiar with. My own suggestion would be to explore the GL Pease offerings. Including the Drucquer line.
Welcome back to the fold. Browse offerings, I was caught by surprise when McClelland retired their operation. I was very fond of 2050, their Oriental/Cavendish blend, it was my go-to tobacco for 20 years. Enjoy the experiment, your tastes may have changed since last you smoked a pipe. I have found many new tobaccos I enjoy with great variation from my previous favourite.