Moving on from the captain

Brothers of Briar

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banjo playa

Mar 7, 2011
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Out of all the blends I've been smoking, I gotta say I like the white Captain Black the most. I like it's smoothness and sweetness. Is this characteristic of a certain type of tobacco?

I want to move on and try some other blends that are in a similar direction. Does anyone have any suggestions for new ones to try out

What other blends have you tried? Personally, I have gone from aromatics, to burley, to latakia, then perique and now I'm trying straight virginias.

I have never tried this particular blend, although I did have a tin of the original Captain blend. If you like a smooth, mellow, and flavorful experience, I'd recommend Tinderbox's 1928 Reserve. It is a lightly flavored burley, that I still find rather enjoyable.

As I said, for me it was a journey. Good luck finding what you like. As a side note, I tried a Rattray's straigh virgina, Hal O' the Wind last night, and that was an extremely nice smoke. It can get a little hot if you draw on it too fast, but it was a real treat. Just also be aware, the this particular blend has a rather high nicotine content, or so I'm told.

I think each of us has to experiment, and will eventually find something we really like.

Good luck,

It's a flavored cavendish so something like Lane (who makes CB) 1-Q would be up your alley. I don't smoke many aromatics so that's about all I can offer up.
The Boswell aromatic blends might be a good next step. Many have a cavendish backing and are well-liked by fans of sweet blends.

From there, it might be good to try some semi-aro blends that have a stronger component tobacco flavor. Uhle's makes some good ones, as does pipesandcigars (Trout Stream.) A Scandinavian aromatic from Dan or Larsen is also good, though it will have a very different style of tobacco beneath the flavorings.

(P.S. I'm going to mod this topic over to the Tobacco Jar area later today.)
Try small samples of those suggested.
The Boswell's are some of the finest people that you could ever hope to deal with however, my taste buds just don't appreciate their offerings.
It's the same with all burleys, I do enjoy the aroma though.
I usually stay with straight or nearly straight VA's / VA Perique's. Some times I add my own rum.
If Captain Black floated your boat, I'd try an aromatic that is another step up in quality, plus also advances the aromatic factor of tastes good/smells great.
My personal humble suggestions:
Any of the Uhle aromatics, especially Hunt Club, Old Shoe Blend, Big Dipper, Karen Club, & Par Shooter.
Boswell's Christmas Cookie or No Bite DeLite
Milan Tobacconists Jefferson Street or Our London Dock Trout Stream.
PipeWorks & Wilke #191
All of exceptionally high quality, easy-to-smoke, taste delicious, & room note to die for.
Have fun trying new stuff!!!