Non vaccination costs tennis star $4.4 million!

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
Novak Djokovic, rated #1 mens tennis player in the world, was just deported from Australia due to not being vaccinated against Covid. So he won’t be in the Oz Open as planned and therefore won’t win the $4.4M top prize. He was the heavy favorite to win. Even if he came in as the runner up he would have netted $2.2 million. Ouch!

Soooo…the Joke’s on the Joker (as he is known).
He's a strange one. Don't care for him. Never respected his possum ploy when losing, though it has worked for him, time and time again. The top players, like in all sports, get away with far more than any of the other players. If they'd allowed him to play, it would have sent a terrible message.
Yeah…agree…and it would have been a “privileged get to bypass the law” thing. For as much as the Aussies have had to put up with it would likely have produced a public uproar.

Aside from his occasional weirdness, as far as just being a great player goes, Djokovic is one of my top currently playing favorites...among Federer and Nadal. And of those Nadal is the one that always seems to expect special treatment during matches. An opinion.
And of those Nadal is the one that always seems to expect special treatment during matches. An opinion.
He certainly does. His quirks drive me a little nuts and make the matches go on forever. The one in which he needs to be challenged is having to go last, or first or whatever, when changing sides or returning to the court after a break. The other players have to submit to his quirks, which ultimately play out as dominance/submission strategy. A tiny thing, but a mind game nonetheless. I'm a Federer fanboy, but if he has to lose the top spot, it would have to be to Nadal for me. Nadal is a super nice person and a true boxing battler. I personally appreciate the grace and finesse of Federer's game more than the brute strength of Nadal, but that's because I tend to more appreciate the traits I don't possess. I'm an alright tennis player, but I'm neither a finesser nor a power player. I'm just lucky to hang with anyone who is any good. But as a skateboarder, I'm not graceful or nuanced. I'm a boneheaded power skater. Too much information and unrelated, I know, but that's why I appreciate those things I lack. I'm dazzled by those who look like they're floating and effortlessly moving, reacting with the tiniest of adjustments that also appear effortless. The heavy hand doesn't grab my attention or appreciation nearly as much.
I'm an alright tennis player, but I'm neither a finesser nor a power player. I'm just lucky to hang with anyone who is any good.
This brought back some happy memories. During my late teens to mid 20s, I was a very skilled table tennis player. I primarily played "Underground" where there was considerable gambling. When I would play tennis with friends, I'd bring the "english" techniques I used playing table tennis. It was a lot of pitch, lob, and backspin, that I'd only use defensively in table tennis, although when playing table tennis, I was a power player. But playing tennis, as a relatively small person, the power game was well beyond me. My friends, when playing tennis, would get so pissed off at me, ultimately shouting. "Will you just hit the f-ing ball?"
... as a skateboarder, I'm not graceful or nuanced. I'm a boneheaded power skater.
Only one time on a skateboard for me. My older daughter insisted I buy one for her. (35 years ago) I tried it out on the driveway. It was amazing, given the flop I took, that nothing broke. Never again.
This summer, along the asphalt walking/biking path along the Mississippi River Blvd., a guy wizzed by on what appeared and sounded like a skateboard with a 2-stroke gas engine. i couldn't figure out how he'd brake or control speed.
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This summer, along the asphalt walking/biking path along the Mississippi River Blvd., a guy wizzed by on what appeared and sounded like a skateboard with a 2-stroke gas engine. i couldn't figure out how he'd brake or control speed.
A small hand control remote. Go to youtube and watch any Casey Neistat video from a couple years ago when he was daily vlogging in NYC. That's how he got around the city. Those boards are not cheap.
And just how did we get onto skateboards here?

I think it’s a function of the ‘help me I’ve fallen and I can’t shut up’ syndrome. 😁
I almost mentioned Thiem, Tsitsipas, and Zverev to reel it back in, but I thought it would be off-topic. Does that help? I'd rather watch any of those three than the big three at this point, especially Tsitsipas. Though, it appears Medvedev is going to be the next big breakout for years to come. It's nuts how good that guy can be at times.
This summer, along the asphalt walking/biking path along the Mississippi River Blvd., a guy wizzed by on what appeared and sounded like a skateboard with a 2-stroke gas engine. i couldn't figure out how he'd brake or control speed.
A small hand control remote. Go to youtube and watch any Casey Neistat video from a couple years ago when he was daily vlogging in NYC. That's how he got around the city. Those boards are not cheap.
This was like the one I saw:
Medvedev is typically the most complete a-hole in the tennis, or any, world. Remember what John Macenroe used to be like in his heyday? Medvedev makes that look like Mr Rogers.

And you’re STILL highjacking! STOP IT! 🤣

Instead, I think we should be talking about WOMEN’S tennis. Among the women players there are very few, if any, that I dislike and for some reason really like watching their matches. 😉
Medvedev has toned down his abrasive personality quite a bit. He's never going to be the most liked, but he isn't doubling down on his nonsense like Kyrgios. Kyrgios appears to be a fun, charismatic guy and is well-liked by some of the locker room, but once he's on court, he's an awful look for tennis (if you are older than 13 years old and can recognize an A-hole for an A-hole). I got a kick out of watching Hewlett coach Kyrgios for the short time that he did. Completely opposite personalities in a super-collider. The Australian tennis federation, or whatever they call it down there, thought Hewlett could drill sergeant Kyrgios into shape, but that was nothing more than trying to cage an animal. The Italian Berrettini is another OK one to watch, though I don't really enjoy watching huge serve tennis. I like to watch volleys, strategy, and adaptation. Huge serve tennis is the most boring type of tennis to watch. That's why I also prefer women's tennis. The serve is often a problem, not the be-all answer, for the women. No stand-out players either. They all have significant weaknesses that prevent them from leaving the rest of the lot in the dust.
Well, except for when Serena Williams ruled the world. Bit of power there.

But I totally agree. The occasional ace not the frequent ace. Psyching out your opponent. Reading the other’s game and rising to combat it effectively. Nerves of steel. That’s good tennis. Then there’s CRAZY stuff like Emma R. going all the way through qualifying to win it all.
Perhaps a moderator will move this thread to The Sports Page to potentially eliminate off topic posts?
As a former athlete in several sports, I have absolutely no problem or issue with playing the psych game. When skill sets are comparable, the difference between being a winner and loser is often what only goes on in the minds of the competitors.
As a former athlete in several sports, I have absolutely no problem or issue with playing the psych game. When skill sets are comparable, the difference between being a winner and loser is often what only goes on in the minds of the competitors.
Exactly correct and very frequently seen.
And there those instances when a clearly lesser opponent is victorious because his opponent's mindset is that he's invincible.
Buster Douglas v. Mike Tyson