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George Kaplan

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
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After a breakup, there's that uncomfortable period of time when one party may be seeking a sense of resolution or an explanation, so a month or so later they'll send the other party an email- usually on the theme(s) of:

"I miss you."

"What happened? What went wrong?"

"This is what's been going on since you left."

This is natural when a couple breaks up. It's a bit disconcerting to receive an email with all three of the above examples from a website.

Sorry, Twitter. It's not me. It's you.
Facebook does the same kind of crap. Emails telling you so-and-so is wondering about you. It's BS and social media sucks.
I actually get these e-mails from Direct TV satellite TV service... A bit too informal for me. You provided a service that I paid for. Let's keep it professional. We did not have a relationship.
The computers have emotions now? It won't be long and the revolt of the machines will begin. The apocalypse if upon us gentleman. :shock:
Yeah - I get those too. I visit my Facebook page about once a month, whether I need to or not. So naturally I get a crapload of those emails as well.

Don't worry, Keenum. The computer revolt is coming and will happen soon enough. 8)
According to Terminator, Skynet became active on April 19, 2011, so the computer revolt has already begun!
I recently read an article in Times and you'd probably be surprised how much information is garnered and transmitted by many of the apps some of you have on your phones. I'm not just talking
about your location. I'm talking about where you've been, where you shopped, how you paid if you paid by phone, which card you used and your account info if paying by phone, who you've called and who called you and where they were when they called. Some apps even transmit the photos that you take. I don't know how soon the computer revolution will hit but the phone revolution has already begun with a vengeance. Phone, computer...almost same same these days.
Well I saw a gundam suit.. and a predator drone... and the missles are smarter than the guys that fire them..
Now your computer tells the government what your thinking.. Yeah, Skynet.. At least it was just the computers.
Ah, good ol' Skynet. :)

It's possible to keep Facebook and phones app-free--simply don't install them. Don't accept permissions for them. Turn off the parts of the phone that broadcast your whereabouts, activities and usage. And if one sneaks on, go to the page/setting that deals with them and disable or remove them. Social networking is really stupid, but I find it useful for a few minutes a day to maintain at least something resembling human contact with people I probably should consider friends (and those who live too far away to talk to otherwise). Beyond that, waste of time. Just propaganda slaves preaching to their own choirs, random baby pictures, the auto-uploads of others telling people where they are (once was called a "parole/probation officer" and/or an ankle bracelet--now people volunteer for it), and the newest irritation: Instagram.

Breaking up, there's no app for that, for either making it easier or less painful. Kid try these days, break up texting. You always know the ones, they seem to fetal-position curl around their phone, put their hooded sweatshirts over their heads, and sob into a glowing tragedy in their palm.

Adult breakups still suck. One of many ways we loose youth, vigor and flexibility--in our hearts.

The "What Went Wrong" one... I hope it has a reply such as, "Hey, lady, you're a b*tch...fix that." :lol:
I didn't actually look at them... I just know there's an app for everything.
How about Netflix? When they upped their pricing I dumped them. They wrote me several times trying to get me back...
I kept Netflix because there is no viable alternative for them. Not for the kind of crap I watch, anyway, which is usually obscure, obsolete or artsy fartsy garbage.

I do, however, call them and ask them when they're going to stop sucking, and they just laugh. Hahahah! Aren't we cute? Eff you.

Eh they server their purpose ok for me. It bugs the crap out of me when get really into a good scifi series and they only have half, the other half is on their dvd selection. I just get the streaming.