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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
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Gents, I have a smoking method that I was discussing with someone else, and was told would be better shared on the boards.

I do not generally smoke pipes by myself. In fact, about 80% of my smokes are shared with one of my best friends, Derek. Furthermore, when Derek and I smoke together, we always smoke the SAME EXACT BLEND in each of our respective pipes. Furtherurthermore, as we smoke we share our thoughts on the blend and we even exchange pipes to see how it smokes out of the other's pipe. I have found this to be extremely beneficial to my thought process and tasting of a blend, especially new ones.

I HIGHLY recommend this practice. You get double the insight into what is going on in a blend, twice the amount of pipes to try it out of simultaneously, great times together, etc etc.

Switching pipes, I think, is a great practice. You get to see how the same blend smokes out of a pipe with, perhaps, completely different geometry or smoking qualities. That is all, of course, given that you are not repulsed by smoking another man's pipes.

Thoughts? Similar practices? Contradictions?

I'm tempted.. but I won't make the joke... don't need Doc bustin ma chops

I smoke alone 99.99% of the time. I used to enjoy a bowl with pops every now and then.. and I've met up and smoked with a few BoB's.. but thats about it.
I live so far in the sticks that I don't even know another pipe smoker here. I would imagine there has to be a few, but I don't know them. Not sure I would share w pipe unless like you it's a very good friend. I am 40 miles for a Walmart, 70 miles to a town over 30k Pop. It's God's Country for sure, but you have to give something to get this kind of life and place to live. I live on the water of a huge lake that is 65-70 miles long with over 1200 miles of shoreline. It was built back in the late 1960's in the middle of the National Forrest. Now there are small town around, but not much in them.

So I wish that I knew someone just to share a bit of time smoking a pipe. I have fishing buddies and friends, but none smoke a pipe.

Piet & I do this often, barring the swopping of pipes. It's great to compare notes.
One of these days I need to chat with you guys from SA. I was there in 1983, but it was so different then. I just have given thought to going back and taking my wife, but just don't know. I was in Durban and wished we had time to go to Cape Town as the pictures form there are awesome!

I even had a great meal on SA Airlines going in, it was Springbok with game sauce and wow how great that was!

I have to drive about an hour south and go to a b&m in another state to find another pipe smoker. I was hoping to go down there today for a pipe club meeting but got sick. I doubt anyone would want to share a pipe with someone that has a cold! Lol.

In all seriousness though, consider yourself lucky to have a friend that you can share a bowl or two with on occasion. I feel lucky anytime someone can stand my presence at all! :lol:
I have a local B&M here to go to. It does good business and has a lounge, etc. but it is under new ownership and it's not the same place it used to be. They are more concerned with catering to cigar smokers and I find there are far less pipe smokers going there than there used to be. I've essentially stopped going there with any regularity and now purchase all of my tobacco online from Habana as they seem to have better house blends and I can get it delivered right to my door instead of driving across town in heavy traffic. I would rather just smoke at home.
I also don't have a puffing friend close, but I think that's a great idea. You not only get to really discuss the nuances of the particular blend as you smoke it, but I also like the idea of switching pipes. I'm sure they clean off the stems, and being able to continue smoking the same blend in a different pipe also allows one to compare pipes. I'll bet the quality of the smoke goes up or down in the different pipes?

I've occasionally filled two different pipes with the same blend and smoked them both, going from one to the other. Sometimes the difference in how each pipe handles the same blend is amazing.

Kudos for your creativity,

I generally just talk to myself while smoking. Not much witty repartie, but no bullshit either :lol!:
I have a couple of friends who smoke pipe. We know each other's preferences, but we never really talk about pipes and tobaccos. Well, sometimes we want to get rid of some of our old tins (all of us have reasonably good cellars) and offer the others first dibs, but that's about it.
talrmn35 and I have been know to enjoy a fill with a glass of port, or more commonly an ale or two, but I have no desire to smoke his pipe.
sounds like a great thing to try. If there are people who scoff at trading pipes, then they could always use what us trumpet players's called Sanimist and you simply spritz the small bottle which sanitizes whatever surface it's like an alcohol based sanitizer.
Lazarus Long":5cvuoj26 said:
talrmn35 and I have been know to enjoy a fill with a glass of port, or more commonly an ale or two, but I have no desire to smoke his pipe.

Nor I yours. No offence. I do have some new tins here, so we should get together again soon.
To each their own, although I do encourage switching. Like Natch said, you really get a feel for how a blend does in a different pipe, in real-time of smoking the same out of a familiar pipe.
One of these days I am going to make the treck to see Skip. He is about as close to me as any one. I am like him live on the lake and 27 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart and 40 miles from the city of Shreveport, Louisiana. We get to town twice a month. And most of our shopping is their or in Marshall, Texas. Everyone around here eather smokes cigs or dips snuff. I know of no one who smokes a pipe in my neighborhood. Guess I am the lone stranger.

I know that when Skip and I get together we will share a few bowls of tobacco and alot of good convesation. Hopefully we will be able to get out in a boat and wet a line and catch some fish also.

The Cheif

Trying to get a small pipe club going with a few friends. They show some interest, so I'm going to pester them some more. I've also thought about setting up a website like the Oom Paul site, but I'm still in the planning phase. We'll see. The problem is that I know people who smoke pipes, but not tobacco...if you know what I mean.