so.. What made you wanna smoke a pipe?

Brothers of Briar

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This past Thanksgiving while shoppy for a turkey and sweet taters I picked up a MM cob and some captain black and Prince Albert.
I have thought about giving pipes a try for a few years but for some reason I thought it would be a betrayal to my stogies.
While at the store I thought "Why would it be a betrayal to my cigars? It's completely different."

Well, I liked the cob and the whole experience but the tobacco left me somewhat unsatisfied. I guess thats because I'm a cigarette smoker and what expecting to get the nicotine. Also I probably can't taste the tobacco as most of you do because of the cigs.

My father used to smoke a pipe when I was little and I always liked to be around him when he fired it up.
It's only been a month but it looks like I've begun the decent on another slope.
Frosty the Snowman :twisted:

Really !! Could also have been a Navy doctor I worked with in 'Nam back in '69. He smoked Granger in a couple of Dunhills and a GBD and helped me get started with a GBD I bought on leave in Hong Kong. Stayed with the Granger till I got back and was introduced to Brit 'bac and began aquireing more pipes. Been at it off and on ever since :p
An affinity for the taste and smell of tobacco. As a toddler, I would beg my uncles and grandparents to light up, just for the smell. Cigarettes, pipe, or cigars--it didn't matter. As an adult I rejected cigarettes for being inferior after a short time and took up common domestic pipes and cigars, not being able to decide which I liked better, and this lasted for decades. I would smoke pipes for several months, then pipes for several months, somewhat ruled by an either/or OCD syndrome. After discovering the more rarified tiers of pipedom, such as that presented on this forum, I now smoke pipes almost exclusively. Every once in a while I'll smoke a cigar, but it's mostly just to confirm how cool pipes are. I do not think I am addicted to tobacco, because whenever I get a cold I have absolutely no cravings for the weed. So, I now return to the point and the first sentence above.
No particular reason. I started smoking in November 2011 and seemed to have a natural affinity for it. Packing never gave me any problems. Always smoked Slowly and never had tone bite. Also, smoking slowly really helps one to taste the tobacco which is what I love about pipe smoking
Puff Daddy":dazkdrk5 said:
My grampa smoked a pipe when I was a little kid. I saw a few other cool old guys smoking em. I tried a few times but failed (grabows and captain black). One day I decided to see if that internet thang had some information that might help me learn and enjoy it (I must be doin sumthin wrong....). I found the Knox forum, met a few amazing fellows, never looked back.
Pretty much my story as well.
College. Master procrastinator writing papers all night long. Not a coffee or other stimulant enthusiast. Needed something to do while writing; hopefully something that fed into the creativity and that wouldn't become a distraction. Knew I liked the ritual of smoking from marijuana. A 100g tin of Rattray's 7 Reserve, and away we went. It certainly helped that we had a high quality shop with a tobacconist who was more than happy to mentor one of my brothers and I.
Used to smoke roll-ups for many, many years. Gave up for a year or so with the help of dry nasal snuff. However, I felt something was lacking. So, talking it over with my tobacconist, I got me a pipe and 25g's of G&H Black and Brown. This was a couple of years ago. And this is now and I am here. :D
Traveling to bow shoots with an older buddy of mine he'd want to roll the window down when smoking his pipe. I'd say roll it back up as i love the smell/aroma of that shit and would smoke one myself if it didn't hurt so much. Had alot to learn & still learning thru this site. Any way my brother in law showed up one day to shoot & was pretty exicted as he had taken up pipe smoking. I told him that i'd smoke one with him but i thru my pipe out 10 years ago because i could never get the same satisfaction out of smoking it as i could just being around someone that was smoking.
Low & behold if at the next shoot we go to he's bought me a Brebbia Lord and with his help and the help of the recent internet site's and lately BOB on how to smoke a pipe (Properly) Sip Sip Sip. It only took me a year to fiqure it out. (Hard Learner not to bright).

And also i have a passion for anything hand crafted out of a nice piece of hard wood with amazing grains. I know the straight grains are highly sought after but i'll take a nice tight birds eye any day.
When I was a kid pipe smokers were certainly not a rarity, and I learned the basic ritual from watching. Never cared much for cigs. Cigars, either. Pipes, I think, have a strong visual appeal. It's a bit like fly fishing -- bear with me a moment -- in that the gear you use is nice to own, and you can display and admire it even when you're not using it. Humans are visual critters. and most of our brains are taken up with collecting, processing, storing and retrieving visual info.
It's mainly the smell that got me started. Now living a good distance from my dad got me to missing
the smell and so I tried it, Got several cases of touge burn, Kept at it and now there is no going back.
I also have fond memories of going to the smoke shop with my dad when I was a kid, I was always in awe of everything I saw there and the little voice in my head would tell that some day I would give this a try.
I really dont know how I got started. My great Grandfather smoked a pipe, and my Grandfather has a collection. my college classmate got me into cigars, so pipes followed naturally I guess. plus I find english blends smell like my grandfathers house
I used to smoke cigars but could not smoke them in the house. That got me thinking about the pipe which I always loved the smell of. My Rabbitt air purifier easily takes care of the pipe smell. And besides, I definitely feel smarter smoking a pipe.
femur":eg2184hk said:
I used to smoke cigars but could not smoke them in the house. That got me thinking about the pipe which I always loved the smell of. My Rabbitt air purifier easily takes care of the pipe smell. And besides, I definitely feel smarter smoking a pipe.

It does make you feel like you have climbed a little higher on the totem pole of society doesn't it.
cben":jh9ipfo5 said:
femur":jh9ipfo5 said:
I used to smoke cigars but could not smoke them in the house. That got me thinking about the pipe which I always loved the smell of. My Rabbitt air purifier easily takes care of the pipe smell. And besides, I definitely feel smarter smoking a pipe.

It does make you feel like you have climbed a little higher on the totem pole of society doesn't it.
I have a small nose, so I feel like the pipe provides a good substitute for which to look down upon the unwashed masses.
I smoked cigarettes for almost 20 years and finally gave them up cold turkey. I also smoked cigars for a few years. I decided to pick up the pipe because it's winter time and I can't spend an hour outside smoking a cigar when it's 28 degress. Since buying my first pipe and trying it out, I've bought 4 more, and have ordered a ton of tins and plan to start cellaring. I don't think I'll ever quit.
Lesath":bjf0ik1g said:
Among the earliest memories I have, the smell of tobacco is present. Plus I love to irritate busy-bodies that know what is best for me.
Well alot like Ocelot, My Gramps smoked. He would constantly tell me stories about the railroad, and all of his friends smoked, some smoked stinky cigars, and some smoked pipes. My Gramps smoked a pipe here and there, but mainly stuck to cigarettes. He told me he didn't know where his pipe was. I started smoking Cheyennes at 14, that turned to any cigar I could get my hands on which turned to cigarettes. And when I was 17 I lived 1,000 miles away from my Gramps. I gave him a call and he started talking about pipe smoking. So I bought a cheap plastic metal bowled pipe, filled it with cigarette tobacco, and thought... "What the hell?"
Later on down the road, I started jamming with guys that I worked with after work on the porch. We would jam for hours, swapping off instruments, between a mandolin, banjo, and guitar. They would get ticked at me for stopping for a quick cig smoke, so I broke out the cheap pipe again, but this time I bought Captain Black Cherry. Worked well for me.
A little later down the road, I moved back to live with my Gramps and Grams when he was getting real bad. I stayed there, took care of them and their farm, while they housed me. Best two months of my life, than my Gramps passed. I was helping my Grams move some stuff down, and I found his old Smokemaster. I told a caring old woman at the place that I worked at, and she bought me A Grabow Omega, and a pouch of Borkum Riff Whiskey Cavendish. It was all uphill from that.
When I was young, my dad and his best friend would play cribbage, and talk politics, home repair and other such manly things. They were both smokers. For my dad it was cigarettes (he has since quit), and for his friend it was a pipe. I was always really excited when they let me stick around, so I always had good memories of pipes (good cigarette mojo was canceled by the fact that I hate the smell).

In college I got into smoking cigars. Recently a friend of mine offered me a chance to smoke one of his pipes with some Night Watch. I really enjoyed the experience and decided to try the pipe more seriously. So far so good.
I love 18th century history surrounding what is now the U.S.A. I read a lot on this topic and was looking at the notes of a pastor. He kept commenting on how everyone smoked. Men, women, the kids. They smoked in church! He was shocked by the way, but to the people living there at the time it seems to have been the norm. At least that is what I took from it. I have heard my country was founded on the stuff. Also as a child my father smoked. He did not care for cigarets but smoked a pipe after dinner. I had to learn the appeal, and now I love it.
