To the shores of Tripoli ....

Brothers of Briar

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According to Hugo Chavez, with guns blazing! I'll bet he (Hugo) wished he hadn't hosted Muammar in Venezuela back in '09, that picture will come back to haunt him.

The appropriate smoke to salute the Corps in this case is, of course, Barbary Coast.

(Yes, I know Mr. Pease was talking about a different Barbary Coast.)

(Though it would be pretty great if while they were out there, the Marines did what they did in the Tripolitan Wars and regulate on the new generation of North African pirates.)
I wonder if us going back in will warrant a change to our service song?
First to Fight...Marine Corps.

My wife asked me to sing the I did. LOL.

They made us learn it in boot camp.

To my brothers on this forum...Semper Fi...we are always faithful, to our country and to each other.

65-69, Viet Nam 67-68, yes I was there for Tet.
As I type the United States of America is petitioning the United Nations to authorize military action including but not limited to a No Fly Zone & Strikes against Libya.
puros_bran":4o18elp8 said:
As I type the United States of America is petitioning the United Nations to authorize military action including but not limited to a No Fly Zone & Strikes against Libya.

Wow. Just in time. :roll:
But in the Security Council, won't Russia &/or China veto it? Just last week the Arab League voted unanimously to support a "no fly" zone. Perhaps they could step up and launch their planes? :?:

Could someone explain what a "no fly" zone entails? it seems to be a lot more than simply not letting planes into Libya.
Tim.. In Iraq it was an area the Iraqi Air Force was disallowed from operating in.
I'm assuming they area talking the same thing here...

Basically if you come close they attempt to escort you out, if you continue you are shot down.
In this case, the No Fly Zone is going to entail knocking out Libya's anti-aircraft batteries, too, since they're obviously not going to give a warm welcome to the planes enforcing said NFZ.
My previous post stands incorrect (a first for me, I'm sure :suspect: ). It passed, and it's starting to look like France and at least two Arab League Nations will take the lead? Interesting world we live in,

If the Arab League wants a no-fly zone, tell them to open their checkbooks. Let THEM pay for it. We are talking many billions of dollars. I would not risk ONE American soldier to save all of the Arab nations, combined. A no-fly zone entails bombing anti-aircraft gear, radar, ground forces, etc, before you can insure a no-fly zone. I'm sorry, but...Arabs killing Arabs? Works for me. I'm tired of losing American lives over their and then Americans having to pay for it.
Congressman Ed Markey said yesterday:

Well, we're in Libya because of oil. And I think both Japan and the nuclear technology and Libya and this dependence that we have upon imported oil have both once again highlighted the need for the United States to have a renewable energy agenda going forward.

Could that possibly explain why we're not letting the Arab League states take care of Libya?

Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, a high-level National Security Council officer and others say that the Iraq war was really about oil.

According to French intelligence officers, the U.S. wanted to run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan to transport Central Asian oil more easily and cheaply. And so the U.S. told the Taliban shortly before 9/11 that they would either get "a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs", the former if they greenlighted the pipeline, the second if they didn't.
