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Brothers of Briar

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Watched several episodes of Star Trek: TNG this afternoon with a bowl of H&H in my Rossi Canadian.

Something about reply responses keeps popping up for me so I'm going to open it up. I like seeing when someone has read my posts, because I like the feedback I assume others like to know who has read their posts. However, I do not always agree with what I read. That does not mean I feel a need to voice a dissenting POV. I do not necessarily want to indicate dis/agreement either, only that I have noted their point. The problem I find is that there is not a neutral acknowledgement icon in the "Like" options. I am reluctant to use "thumbs up" just to indicate I have read a post, but I want people to know I have read the posts. How do the rest of you address this ambiguity, or do you find an ambiguity issue at all? Or do you just leave "like" blank unless you have a personal take on the post? All I would really like is a flag to indicate I read someone's post. I realize it may be a limitation of the interface we use bc the same interface is used on several other sites I have been on.

I am likely overthinking this whole thing, but I have never liked to be taken out of context and I hate to give false impressions.
Something like this has crossed my mind. Most people, I think, use “Like” to indicate “Read”. I think of it as “I’m glad you posted this”. And if I don’t agree, in a way that matters, I’ll pass over the post. But I would still use “Like” in the case of something like (to make up an example) someone saying “I love Cheapo’s Salmon Aromatic Blend” when I don’t care for it. The person shared what they enjoyed, and that’s fine.
Just finished smoking Wilke Little Round Top in an undated straight smooth brown pre-Republic Peterson’s Sterling bulldog 150 with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite saddle p-lip stem. This blend is Back Bay with much less perique (10%) than the regular Back Bay.
Passing the half way mark of this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend.

All the ferals were here at one time or another today. I had to bring Abner the Eager into the house since Harry the Hairy started his intimidation yowling, and didn’t settle down until I rubbed and scratched him. As is often the case, Sam the Scamp was with Harry, and I had to let him in for the same reason I let Abner in. Sam and Harry get along until food enters the picture. After Abner finished eating, he took his usual snooze. Sam ate after Abner did, and then stayed with me for a while when I was trying to write a pipe tobacco review.



Daisy the Feral Princess enjoyed fighting with what were clean socks. She was extra hyper today, which isn’t normal for her lately. Tomato the Brave took a snooze on m’lady’s lap for a while.
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A third of a bowl left of year 2021 first production Watch City Simply Orange Virginia in a black sandblast medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY 4AB No. 182/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Sleep follows this smoke if I'm lucky.
Good Morning!
I fed the cats and dog and went out to the bird house without a coat for the first morning this year! The rain started as I returned to the house. I'm finishing the last of my Thermos of coffee with an MM Apple Diplomat filled with GLP Westminster. Next up fresh coffee!
Good Afternoon my friends. Today I'm going to start with a bowl of Petersons Sunset Breeze in a Savinelli Church warden whilst browsing through our local garden centre's catalogue. And ordering in preparation for spring and summer. Personally I wished it was a pipe and tobacco catalogue. But Mrs Z is standing over my shoulder 😂
Enjoy your day my friends.
I see you like hand planes!
Yes I do. I am a member of Midwest To Collectors. I've been a woodworker since I was a kid. I enjoy hand tools and have antique and modern. My last project was restoration of a 1910 Miller Falls miter box and saw. It was a box of rusty parts when I got it.
Something like this has crossed my mind. Most people, I think, use “Like” to indicate “Read”. I think of it as “I’m glad you posted this”. And if I don’t agree, in a way that matters, I’ll pass over the post. But I would still use “Like” in the case of something like (to make up an example) someone saying “I love Cheapo’s Salmon Aromatic Blend” when I don’t care for it. The person shared what they enjoyed, and that’s fine.
Thanks E, you understand exactly what I'm deliberating about.

I'm having H&H in my Bones Dublin with my coffee. H&H is a pretty good all around smoke, I'm glad I bought it. I'm looking forward to trying other codger blends. My Dad smoked one called Old Chum or Old Port, back when 7oz tins has a bag liner and a screw top. Does anyone remember this blend? I cannot find it online.

Update: I have found both online since I originally posted this. Old Port is now part of STG and Old Chum is out of production. It was a Canadian product from the ground up and government regulation in the late 70's killed its market viability.


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I just loaded my Rossi Canadian with Old Professor, getting ready to run a few errands if the road conditions favour it. Winnipeg is still shovelling out from a snow dump and beneath it is glare ice from frequent freeze / thaw cycles last week. We have less snow than we've had almost as long as I live (54 years) and somehow the snow clearing budget is still over by 15 million. Politicians should be used as net weights for commercial fishing.


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    Rossi Rubino Antico Canadian 802.JPG
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Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Another day of rain, so no walks.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am smoking year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink.