What ever happened to Revelation

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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Many years ago I came to know this blend while relaxing after a day of hunting. One of the hunters in the camp asked me to try it.I was not that eager, because i
had brought a supply of Edgeworth Sliced to camp. Loaded up one of the pipes
that I brought with me, and by the time i reached the middle of the bowl, I was pleasently suprised. After finishing of that bowl, I knew I would try it again.
When I returned from camp I purchased a can, and really began to admire this blend. I stashed it in with my old stand byes PR & CH. Haven't seen it around lately.

" There's a Story behind every Bowl"
Looks like I Googled up the answer.Information is that Altadis is producing a
Revelation match in Bulk.Cup O Joes has it listed. I found a few reviews at Tobacco Review. Has any of the Brothers tried this blend?

" There's a Story behind every Bowl"[b]
FYI.....Revelation was Albert Einstein's pipe tobacco of choice after he came to the U.S.
Found two tins on a B&M shelf in Maryland a while ago. They can be found on ebay from time to time as well. Gave one tin away, smoke a couple bowls out of the other and have the remainder jarred up. It was good but not anything I feel the need to pursue.

If anyone else already has the Altadis or C&D Epiphany and would consent/commit to doing a comparison with write up here just for poo poo and giggles, I'll send the jarred portion to them free of charge. Send me a pm.
Sutliff also makes a comparable blend for revelation called R-Blend , I found it on pipesandcigars.com...its available in tins.
Have you tried any opf those tins?

"There's a Story behind every Bowl"
Further investigation revealed that, the C&D 068 Epiphany match for Revelation,
is blended to match the pre House of Windsor blend. I don't know about the Sutliff,but Pipes & Cigars also has the Altadis Match for Rev. HOW in bulk.

"There's a Story behind every Bowl"
I know when I was looking for something similar, I went with Epiphany. It is a very pleasurable smoke. Have not tried the Altadis match though.
I wonder if Einstein had a scientific reason for making revelation the tobacco of his choice?

"There's a Story behind every B
I'm sure, no matter the reason, it was all relative.

<sorry, I just had too>
Obligatory groan: G-R-O-A-N !

I'm thinking that if you find a blender out there that dabbles in "just likes" they're going to have their approximations of all the 'old time' blends that are famous for the sake of nostalgia as much or moreso than in their own right. Of any, I would trust Sutliff the least...not having had much luck with their items. But then I've never tried any of these kind of blends, nor the originals (except for Edgeworth, of which I still have a half dozen giant tubs in storage...having raided JR's warehouse before they sold it out..heh, heh). So anyway, I should bow to those who have had real world experience as opposed to my 'theories of relative Revelations'. Kaff Kaff :roll:

I wonder if Einstein had a scientific reason for making revelation the tobacco of his choice?
De gustibus non disputandem.

-- a Latin aphorism it would be well if people understood the import of. In essence, Taste cannot be meaningfully debated because it is utterly irrational. If you like something (anything), that is a visceral response. The intellect only comes into it belatedly to account for (and usually rationalise, one way or the other) what was already a done deal by the time it became aware of it.

True. You either like something or dislike it. No "should" is involved. Our cats do not like people food, even though they "should" like the morsels of fish, chicken and beef we offer them when we mistake their curiosity about what we're eating as begging.

nosenhoj":gxifohip said:
Have you tried any of those tins?
I just had a half-bowl of R Blend for the first time. Not my thing at all. The taste was indistinct but the flavors I noticed could be described as watery, burnt, and bitter. I don't mean watery as in the smoke was wet. I mean the taste of water, or the taste something gets when it's dipped in water.

I got a similar burnt taste from my Frog Morton on the Bayou and these are the only two blends I've tried so far that contain Perique. However, I believe neither of them have Perique in large quantities, so I'm not yet sure I should be casting the blame there and leaving it at that.

Nevertheless, for those who love Perique, they may yet find this blend pleasurable. I'd be curious to find out. The aroma was certainly fantastic. It remains as I described when I first bought it, like a campfire in a redwood forest. I wish some of that had actually come through during my smoking experience.
I don’t think this is the same tobacco you’re talking about, but Revelation was the first tobacco I ever smoked back in 1966. As I remember it, it was a cube cut virginia and burley with a hint of latakia. You could buy it mainly in drug stores. It was actually a very good tobacco. I stopped smoking it when I found a real pipe and tobacco shop - Edward’s Pipe and Tobacco Shop on Snelling Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota and switched blends. Does anyone know whether Philip Morris still produces Revelation? I haven’t been able to find it on the internet or on PM’s website.

Nero - I believe this Revelation was indeed the blend that Einstein smoked. I found a picture on the internet a while ago with him loading his pipe with the tin of Revelation in the picture. I'll try to find it again. If I do, I'll post the picture here.

I had luck! Found the picture:

That's right, it's not. R Blend is based on House of Windsor's Revelation. It's true I was inspired to try it just then because I was thinking about Einstein, but that was indeed merely a tangent. To my (limited) knowledge, Philip Morris no longer produces Revelation, but Cornell & Diehl have a blend based on it called 068: Epiphany. Certainly, if I was in possession of some Epiphany, I would have tried that instead.
Here is a comparison review from a little while ago between Revelation and Epiphany, if anyone is interested: https://www.brothersofbriar.com/t12402-epiphany-revelation

The revelation was from a tin identical to the one in the photo 2 posts above.