What is your monthly 'bac consumption?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
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I have been going thru my monthly books, expense wise and realized my smoking preferences have changed quite a bit over the pst 2 years. Where I was smoking around 8 ozs of Peretii's Royal Blend and the same for McC's Oriental 14 with a a few tins of variuos McC's Va's a month 2 years ago, I now am buying 1 pound of McC's FM 2000 a month. I'm also up to two 50g tins of Dunhill Royal Yacht a month as well as a tin each of Orlik's Erinmore Flake and Orlik's Golden Sliced with a 50g tin of Red Rapparree a month as well. I now realize why I CAN'T cellar, I smoke to much :twisted: This is just what I've smoked on a regular basis and re-order every month. It does not include the occasional "I'll try this" tin I may aquire . Just wondering what some of the brothers smoke, blend and amount wise on a regular basis in a month?
Crikey, you smoke a lot, Mon. :lol:

I probably go through about 50g - 75g a month. Depends on how bored I am. Bored Weiss is a smoking Weiss.

Kyle Weiss":cqdbtug7 said:
Crikey, you smoke a lot, Mon. :lol:

I probably go through about 50g - 75g a month. Depends on how bored I am. Bored Weiss is a smoking Weiss.

I guess so ! After my teeth go in, a pipe is in my mouth and lit first thing while I prepare bkfst. and I usually consume 5 to 7 bowls a day. :p I like tobacco :twisted:
I don't have instances in the day to smoke that much. Although on Super Bowl Sunday, I spent the entire gorgeous day lazing about on my porch with a radio, and had four bowls, which is quite a bit for me.

Considering I can routinely make any given bowl last a couple of hours, I'm getting plenty of smoke time in over time. :lol:

Hey, my cellar will last a little longer. No losses here. :p
I'd say during the month I go through 3-4oz of tobacco and 15-20 cigars.
Not OCD enough to really track it, but somewhere around 3 tins a month.
I might be a major consumer like you (grin) but not sure. As I sit here, I have open tubs of Sugar Barrel, Kentucky Club blue, Walnut, my hoover tub, a pound of PS #9 Vanilla Creme, and samples of a butter rum, and a sample of Navy Flake. And these da** ryo cigs! If I'm sitting here, I'm imbibing!
I smoke about 2 oz per week of an assortment of blends. It varies a lot, among perhaps 50 blends or so: I look at the cellar and pick what jumps at me. Right now is Exhausted Rooster, Balkan Sasieni, and ERR. But I have a pile of new blends lined up to try these next few months, including the stave aged McClellands, the new line of Erik Stokkebye's (sp?), and many of the Russ O's blends in the H&H Marquee series, among others. Interesting new months ahead.
Embarrassingly, I smoke 3-4 bowls a week. I wish I had the time to sit down and enjoy piping more. That said, I have little interest in mild nuanced blends. I go straight for the big flavored, full bodied mixtures. I guess it's because they're easier to appreciate and they take me somewhere every time. And since my time smoking is so limited, I need the "big" adventure.

Lately, I have been absolutely frustrated to death smoking straight VA's. I seriously think it's due to the fact that I have very little consistently in the frequency and timing of my smoking sessions, and in turn have trouble sitting down and really getting to know a particular mixture, especially the finicky ones. Any one else experience this?
I smoke about a 1/2 pound a month. I'm probably going to scale it back a bit though.

Primarily Vapers and Virginia blends.

Bayou Morning
McC 2015
McC 2010
Night Train
Triple Play
Embarcadero (recent add)

Others as well
monbla256":3ewphydk said:
YEP !! :p What and how much do you consume Rob? :twisted:
Hard to say. I typically smoke 2 bowls a day, and maybe 3 on Sunday.
I've never figured it up honestly. I smoke a variety - mostly Lane Bulks, a few VA's, Frog Morton or EMP, and a few odds'n'ends mixed in, so an actual monthly amount would be hard for me to calculate.

Oh yeah - did I say I like a variety? :lol:

This time of year I only get to smoke about a bowl a week. When its warmer out I go thru about 50g to 100g every month depending on how much time I have to smoke.
I only average 1.something bowls a day, so my hoard should be more than adequate to get me to the pearly gates. Sometimes it may look like I'm smoking to the casual passerby, but I'm actually just savoring the ghosts of previous smokes in a favorite briar and practicing breathing technique. I never smoke while working and only sometimes whille reading, walking or driving. Usually I reserve a pipe as a nice respite during the day. I don't smoke anything except a pipe. Works for me, what can I say?
If I drop down to a bowl a day I will actually have enough cellared for my life time or close to it.

It will remain to be seen if I scale back :lol:
I smoke two small cobs a day, M-F (ride to and from work)...then I usually have another bowl or two a few evenings a week. Weekends are a total wildcard - sometimes I don't have anything until Sunday evening, others I seem to have a pipe between my lips from the time I wake up Saturday until the time I go to bed.

Never really figured out the actual volume I go through, but I'd say generally anywhere from 15-20 bowls a week (10 of which are really "half bowls" out of smallish cobs).
I would say I average about 15 bowls a week, I smoke 2 bowls a day Mon thru Thurs and the rest spread out from Friday through Sunday.