Who likes spiders?

Brothers of Briar

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Oh yeah... I forgot to mention...

They're setting up shop in Florida as we speak---escaped pets, transferred in crates, etc.---and will soon be coming to a ceiling near you. 8)
As long as Shadow the fearless warrior cat is alive I am not scared.. When he goes, I'm moving to antartica, aint no frikkin spiders there.
That was funny, no way I'd have been up there with an undersized tupperware. That's what vaccum cleaners are for...
I was thinking roasted over a campfire. Looks tasty!
I made the mistake of building a garage in the basement of my Arkansas house, so every time I open the door vermin from across the county decide to visit us. If my wife only know how many tarantulas and scorpions I've discretely swept out the door when she wasn't looking, she'd move out.

A few years back I opened the cabinet to get coffee cups during Sunday breakfast and there was a Texas Brown (tarantula) the size of a small Buick sitting right next to our coffee mugs. Wife was just a few feet away, but looking out the window, so I discreetly turned a mug upside down over it, grabbed two other cups, and poured our coffee, planning to scoop it up and throw it out the door later when she wasn't watching. Well, I forgot all about it, and Monday morning, around 4:30 AM (when wife gets up to leave for work) I heard this blood curdling scream from the kitchen, followed by the sound of breaking cups and plates. Although coming out of a deep sleep, I know immediately what it was. I forgot to get rid of fuzzy, and luck would have it that was the cup she grabbed that morning, half asleep.

It made for an exciting morning, but for some reason she didn't quite see it as ammusing.

Even Alfred Hitchcock could not have built up the tension better than that. That made me jump, then laugh!

Thanks for that. I like the IDEA of spiders and they are fascinating creatures.
Thanks for sharing...that's pretty comical especially the kid's comments.

One thing I miss from my years spent in western Arkansas is the tarantulas annual fall migration. It's amazing the places they'll go to find a mate. The only thing remotely similar here in Georgia is protecting my resident wolf spider underneath the back porch light to clean up the dazzled collision victims.
