Recent content by sstodvictory

Brothers of Briar

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  1. sstodvictory

    Dream Cars

    . I presume it does not have to be a car that actually exists...this is my dream.
  2. sstodvictory

    Sasieni Grosvenor Ruff Root Bulldog

    I agree, that's a nice one!  You might enjoy these photos of a Ruff-Root I once owned. Steve
  3. sstodvictory

    Ruthenberg Bite Through

    Nice to see what a Ruthenberg natural looks like after it has been enjoyed a lot.  I like it.  So...I have this mental picture of a Ruthenberg pipe having a replacement stem not made by Brian.  It is a disturbing picture, like a "Frankenpipe" or a poorly photoshopped image.  When you have...
  4. sstodvictory

    Indian Motorcycles

    I owned a R100 GSPD for 8 years and had a blast doing the AdvRider thing on jeep roads in the Western states. One thing I could not do on it, though, is putt along at 55 mph on a paved road and be content - it just made me impatient and fidgety on that bike. My Victory V92C cured that and it...
  5. sstodvictory


    Very nice! Steve
  6. sstodvictory

    WooHoo!! Score!!

    Thanks for the matches info. I eat supper at Yoders in Arthur several times per month. I have furniture in my house that was built two miles from Beachy's, at the Pineview woodworking shop, and a bunch of clothes from my favorite men's store Delbert's. Arthur is great little town. Steve
  7. sstodvictory

    Not the Popeye I used to know and love...

    . Here is the person who is said to have inspired Elzie Segar's creation of the Popeye character. His name is Frank "Rocky" Fiegel. He lived in Chester Illinois, the Mississippi River town that Segar grew up in. Fiegel would have been about 61 years old when Popeye was created. Not a good...
  8. sstodvictory

    Smartphone News

    Yak, I can just picture your brain squirming like a toad with that. :) Steve
  9. sstodvictory

    My Car

    My car or pickup is the only place I smoke. There's nothing like a drive in the countryside for pleasant entertainment and for getting lost in one's thoughts. I'm like a smoking, thinking dog I guess, except I don't hang my head out the window. Steve
  10. sstodvictory

    Smartphone News

    The actual ruling from the pages of the Federal Register is here: The ruling is driven by software copyright and fair-use considerations. Those topics get complex but the reasoning behind the rule is pretty well laid out in the document, as...
  11. sstodvictory

    Cross grain done right.

    If any pipe ever reminded me of a stained histology thin section, that Bang would be it. It would be like smoking a gland out of some animal! Steve
  12. sstodvictory

    Any Charatan experts in da house?

    If there were rustication on it why would that point to Charatan? Steve
  13. sstodvictory

    Any Charatan experts in da house?

    I would include Willmer as a potential maker as well. The stem is a dead ringer for it. Steve
  14. sstodvictory

    Maybe I am crazy

    Its good to see an Ebayer selling nice stuff at buy-it-now prices that are actually acceptable, with the exception of the David Jones which often close for less than that in Jones' own Ebay store. For my tastes, if I were buying pipes today I'd jump on that Viprati. Steve
  15. sstodvictory

    Four Savinelli

    . Four Savinelli estates. The 677 is a recent addition from Jon's Pipe Shop in Urbana IL. The others were in a lot of 8 Ebay Savs I picked up just to get these three. And for you, Harlock999...yep, more steering wheel photos! I sold the floor mats though. The bubble wrap is a bit...