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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Preacher

    EBay Meers

    I have a question for the more experienced among you. The meers I have bought have all come from my local shop so know the quality. Tonight I was looking on EBay and I'm seeing meers that have color (blue, brown, purple, and various patterns of color). How is this normal? I thought meers...
  2. Preacher

    Ismet Bekler Meerschaum

    Just got this today.  The previous owner smoked it once (using a smoking bowl).  When I first saw it I thought it was brand new but the shop manager was very honest about its condition.  Comes from a private collector in the area who was getting rid of some pipes to invest in more.  This is my...
  3. Preacher

    Returning Member

    I'm not a new member, but I have been gone for a while. Life happens and it has been happening to me a lot lately. I'm just now returning to my pipes. Last night I sat and enjoyed a bowl of Frog Morton On the Town in my Savinelli. It made me so glad that in a moment of weakness I didn't get...
  4. Preacher

    Not been smoking for a while, but look what I scored today!

    Today I was at my local smoking hole enjoying a stick and looking at the latest batch of estate pipes and came across one that kept catching my eye, so I had to have it.  It is an Ardor Giove Freehand from 2009 I don't know much about this pipe (except that I like it).  Can anyone give...
  5. Preacher

    Happy 50th Anniversary

    Happy 50th to a man who makes unbelievable pipes I actually got to see one of the 50 pipes that he made for this occassion (they are a small apple). They are exquisite and words can't describe their beauty. My local shop had one in stock and I got...
  6. Preacher

    Finally made the switch

    After years of being only marginally pleased with shaving with a modern razor, and being completely dissatified with the cost of refills, I finally ordered a DE razor (Merkur HD 34c). I got my hands on a cheap (badger hair) shaving brush and some Willams Mug Shaving Soap. I did a lot of...
  7. Preacher


    Anyone here a fan of e-readers (Nook, Kindle,etc)? I love to read, and over the past few years have become a fan of e-readers. They are a convenient way to carry several books with me when I travel. My mother, on the other hand, swears that she needs the feel of a real book. What are some of...
  8. Preacher

    Greetings from Champaign, IL

    My name is Ed and I'm a professional photographer and preacher living in Champaign, Il. I have been smoking pipes for about 2 years and they are what I consider the ultimate relaxing luxury. I enjoy smoke an aromatic tobacco (also keeps the wife happy). My current collection includes a Ser...