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Brothers of Briar

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  1. TreverT

    25th anniversary last Halloween

    My wife and I celebrated our 25th anniversary this past Halloween. How does this even happen? I know people who can walk and talk and drive cars, that haven't even been *alive* as long as we've been married. Still totally fun though. Would marry her again.
  2. TreverT

    Fundraiser for a Friend

    HELP NEEDED! A good friend of mine is in some financial trouble. He's a young guy working hard to get out of the McJobs-and-Ramen stage of life. His parents are missionaries and out of the country, and he's on his own. He's just been hit with some unexpected financial catastrophes and is in a...
  3. TreverT

    And a new P&T web comic was born...

    I had a little time to kill recently and was looking around my study and had the logical thought, "I should combine my Godzilla collection with my pipes and make a comic strip about it that highlights some of the more ridiculous absurdities that I've encountered in the biz lo these past 16...
  4. TreverT

    Mechanical keyboards reviewed

    This was completely off-topic for my pipe blog, but I thought the techies might enjoy - I just wrote a detailed review of two of the mechanical keyboards available for the Mac: Keyboard Wars! I've been wanting a good mechanical keyboard for a few years... after profoundly hating the standard...
  5. TreverT

    What I've been up to - Writing, toons, etc

    As this falls into the category of non-pipe stuff, here's what I've been up to and why I haven't been seen on any of the various pipe forums for about 4-5 months. LOTS of writing lately. I'm doing a big article for forthcoming magazine "Space Monsters" (A Famous Monsters-like mag devoted to...
  6. TreverT

    Pipe-tinted movie review site

    Some of you crazy cats might be interested in this - I've just created a little side project, a hobby I've been noodling over for a while now. It's a movie review blog as written by a pipe & beer lover, complete with suggested pipes and libations matched to each movie. You'll need to have a...