monbla256":8x86stbz said:
sisyphus":8x86stbz said:
Richard Burley":8x86stbz said:
Union Square is cased with what? Distilled water? Fairy dust?
who said anything about US being cased? I've never heard that before, and I surely wouldn't get that from smoking it.
Here we go again ! ALL tobacco's are cased, just not all tobacco's are Topped or flavored! GLP has discussed this before, both here and on his site. :twisted:
I thought GL Pease's Union Square had no casings or toppings. Here is the description from his website "Union Square is a blended sliced cake of high-grade flue cured leaf, from beautiful, sweet brights to deep, earthy reds, without the added sugars, sauces, flavourings and top-dressings common to many other VA flakes."
To me, that states there has been absolutly nothing added to the tobacco, no casings or toppings.