Lets Talk Boswell

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2011
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Hello chaps, I would like to start a thread for all Boswell lovers, let this be place to post pictures of your Boswell pipes or even just a picture of yourself smoking your Boswell, we can even talk about and review boswell pipe tobacco. I will start by posting a few of my Boswells, first is a jumbo Oom poul with wonderful scallop carving all around with a smooth rim...this pipe is not sandblasted but very carefully carved, JM Boswell says its very hard to do and takes a long time and steady hand. This pipe is wonderfully accompanied with an off white cream colored saddle bit stem.

The second pipe for your viewing pleasure is my Boswell Freehand sitter that is accompanied with a honey/amber colored marbalized freehand stem.

Great job JM...keep up the great work.

I live near Boswells shop so my Freehand was my first decent pipe. I bought another, smaller bent billiard a short time later as my travel pipe. The bent billiard is a mainstay, particuarly when I am working. I just came out of the workshop, where I was redoing an old pipe stand. The Bent was in my mouth most of the evening. For such an inexpensive pipe ($70), it sure smokes and hangs great. Not a real handsome grain piece, but it's become a favorite.
If I buy another Boswell, it will probably be one of his bulldog shapes.

very nice Al, I love the freehand...that translucent amber stem is just beautiful...thanks for posting
My handsome mug is behind the rusticated bent Jumbo X on the Boswell's website under "customer photos."


Like most other customers, I appreciate the truly exceptional customer service I have received from the Boswells and at the shop. And yes, it is well worth visiting, if you are anywhere nearby (which would include Philly, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, or DC). Southern visitors have, however, have made the citizenry of Chambersburg nervous on at least one previous occasion.

But B. has discovered its market and serves it exceptionally well. I recommend a couple of pipes from the shop to anyone who is interested in the hobby; while their pipes tend to be large (and can range up to ginormous -- that Jumbo X isn't even that big in relative terms) they are a stop on the pipe smoker's pilgrimage to be sure.

B.'s tobacco has its devoted following; I like Northwoods particularly.

My journey into pipedom truly started back in my late teens/early 20's. Unfortunately that was pre-Interwebs time and I had no mentor. So, drugstore pipe & baccy. Was OK, and I kept with it for a while, but then moving and such I left it behind.

I've been smoking cigars somewhat regularly (ie, 4-5 per summer week) for about 2 years now, but for the winter months the sticks weren't doing it for me. Too cold, and even indoors the flavor profile fits me better in warmer weather. Maybe it's the image of plantations in my head..

So last Nov. I started looking into pipes again, and found a wealth of info out there. I like the full gambit in cigars..something for each mood, so I was attracted to the many profiles of pipe baccy. Anyway, I get a hair across my ass and go to the only tobacco shop I know of in Philly (Holts) and get a basket pipe..kinda oom-paul shaped. And contrary to what it was I was saying, the clerk (fitting word) steered me to some aro blends. I made him give me some VA flake, though, too. Honestly, the blends were pretty good. The whole time I was there I had my eye on the Churchwardens, so come closer to Xmas I went it and got the "ladies" Peterson Churchwarden. I really dig that bitty pipe, so even though I got raped on it ($25 more than I should have), it was an OK experience and I got a couple more lat blends going out of it.

What does all this have to do with Boswell? Well I figured I'd be a couple of pipes per guy and rotate them...so, of course, I needed more pipes! I think it was on alt. something or other (one of those text type sites) that I heard mention of Boswell and that he was in PA. So, jumping over to his site I saw the variety of pipes he had and the spectrum of price ranges. Gee...a handmade custom for less than a Peterson factory..I'm interested.

I started small...and now I'm up to seven...the first a 3/4 bent fluted pipe for around $70. Man did I/do I love that pipe. I'm a confirmed bent guy, and you'll see it in my collection. I was so into it, that 2 weeks later I drove from Philly to Chambersburg...no mean feat if you see the route. I got there and the Misses musta talked my ear off for a good 45 mins while I picked pipes and tobaccos. In the good way, mind you. So, while I really wanted a bulldog, the only one he had didn't suit my taste. Much to my surprise a freehand with a red bit (never thought I'd get a colored bit, but I have a few now..it just "worked") called to me for around $80. I was going to get another freehand w/plateaux rim, a larger pipe, but felt like I was making a concession. That's when Gail mentioned a cart and pulled it out. That's when I swapped what I was holding for the freehand plateaux w/saddle bit you see in the pic. Big and deep..a manly pipe. Some say funny, as I'm a smaller guy, but suits me just fine. I actually read you should pick your pipe to suit your face...I pick 'em to suit my MOUTH.

From there, next came the Churchwarden in my avatar...the redish one in the pic. That was about $130. Next came the big ole 3/4 bent chipped finished with the orange bit. I got that unused on the bay for $110. Another big, man-sized pipe that's lovely to hold...just like the fluted bent and the 'warden. Hell, there all nice to hold, but I do like a rounded bowl in my hand. Then, since I didn't think my first 'warden was bent enough, I had to get another one. That's the black rusticated with smooth shank and rim one. This time I figured I'd get a small saddle bit with it, too (you can just make it out on the top of the pic). I was getting too many pipes that I couldn't take out of the house, so the extra bit helped keep that one in rotation more. The red bit from my second freehand also fits the red 'warden, so I could cycle that one out, too. I love the bend on the second 'warden..very LOTR-ish..makes me smart and wise just holding it. With both bits this one was about $160..a little pricey for me, but I got the extra bit..and am glad I did.

My final stop was a call asking when some more stubby nosewarmers were coming up. They weren't due for a bit, so he put my name on the board and emailed my the last Boswell I got. Another sweet rustic with a white bit swirled with light brown (and here I was only going to ever have black bits!). Deep bowl and a sitter, too...not a flat bottom, rounded but wide enough that she sits like a champ. This one was $120. I will admit I had a little trouble forging a bond with this one...and of course it's the one I wanted to bond with the most and the most quickly. Unlike most of my Boswells, the drafthole wasn't at the very, very bottom. Also, she didn't really take to lats very quickly...I kept getting a sweet underpinning that I didn't really dig. I kinda gave up on her, and was having some hard feelings. Put her up over the summer, as I did with all the pipes...seems like it's a cooler weather thing for me like cigars are warmer. Anyway, I was looking at it hard the other week, feeling a bit down, and emailed Dan about it. Of course right after I did, I had to try smoking it again (why do I always do things backwards?). The taste was more to my liking and I didn't seem to suck as much ash and bits as I had remembered. Since it's a deep bowl and I'm a slow sipper, I was under packing it and paying the price of trying to smoke it right to the bottom. When I had first gone to their shop, they gave me a new pipe smokers instruction sheet. As luck would have it, I came across it on the floor of my car the other day and re-read it for fun. A bit of their advice is to not smoke all the way to the very bottom. Since the others have a drop dead drafthole, I just got into the habit of doing that. Anyway, long story short, I packed the bowl the way it was meant to be and after a 1.5+ hour smoke, got near the bottom and just dumped. And, surprise surprise, a pleasant smoking experience was had by all! The flavor of the pipe is coming around, too, and was probably also a product of not fully packing it up.

Well, that's my discourse on Boswell pipes. I must say, visit the store. If I still lived in Lancaster, PA I'd probably head up twice a month just to smoke in the amazing atmosphere they offer. Friendly as all hell, nice, knowledgeable....down-home folks like you used to meet every where so long ago. Eh, the email skills aren't their strength, but who cares..call them up or pay a visit. You'll hardly regret it. I've read some put downs of JM, calling him a hack and his shapes uninspiring. If you're a snooty only guy (and you know if you are), maybe these pipes aren't for you. There are many fine artists out there that you can support. If you're like me, and like the gambit of experiences, from the small mom & pop type places to the finest 5 star restaurants, and you know going in what to expect...you certainly will not be disappointed. JM is an artisan of the finest caliber. If you're unsure of the difference between the two, read up on the definitions and go in knowing what to expect. I love my JM Boswells.

To round out the rest of my collection, there's a Peterson Donegal 80s ($70)(with a poor drafthole) and a wonderful Yakslon pipe by Yuriy. A fine work of art with the thinnest, most comfortable bit ever held by these teeth. A work of art ($200) worth every penny...he calls it a Rhodesian and who am I to argue. Lastly is a L'Anatra ($145) from the bay (second in on right on top). I just love the raised duck head (very secure) and wonderful round bowl. That would be my dress pipe, along with the Yuriy, were there any places you could still dress and smoke pipes. Another wonderful smoker.

Funny how I say $160 is pricy, but then spent close or more on two more pipes. As much as I'd like to keep exploring, I have enough variety and pipes to cover my rotations (aro, VA/VAPar/non-Lat blends, and Lat blends), and have cashed myself (happily) out of the market. I look forward to enjoying what I have for a very long time.

Boswell blends:

Bear Blend - Aro with a tiny kick
Boswell's Best - Fine aro
Magnum Blend - American English, as most refer to them now. Or a crossover blend - OK
Northwoods - Another cross over - OK (to be honest I have too many crossovers by accident..I thought the Frogs were more English, so I have to come back to these Bos blends to give them a fairer shake down the road)
No Bite Delight - Another fine aro
Twist Flake - I'm sure it's PS, but was glad they had it for me to try. Love that and led me to Escudo.
Boswell's Burley - A sweetish burley. I find it good for when I don't want to go full aro (which is often...only 2 pipes are aros). Much along the line of some straight Orientals, where they have the sweet & sour thing going on. The burley is more sweet and hay/baccy.







Nice pic Tim... I have seen that pic before...I have looked through all those in the past.

I love big pipes like you.
Your my new best friend deepbase :lol!: god I love your collection, very nice. I am in love with the first single pipe picture you posted, is that a nose warmer or a baby jumbo? As soon as JM makes another pipe close that shape and size its going on my credit card.

I also find it funny when someone puts down JM's pipes...he must be doing something right...his new pipes sell out every Thursday within the first 15 min.

Thanks so much for posting this wonderful story.
My pleasure my New Englander friend. I happen to have grown up on Revere Beach...

The pic you like is the stubby. It's almost like a mini-jumbo, the bowl is so deep and the shape so full. I've loved the looks since day one, but now that we've forged a friendship, I'll be loving the smoke as well. If you check out his gallery, I also really like the all black stubby with the black bit...it's a couple of pages in, I think, and has a bubble in the bit. I wanted a rustic rim pipe, too, and would have loved it on this one. But it so damn fine, what's to bitch about????

I wish I had a good camera and could shoot them all individually...they all have their own personality that shines through.

What good smokers...that's sums up JM's pipe in three words!
Oh, yeah...I'm very grateful to have a job where I can watch the website as pipes get posted and get through. The only time I called and didn't get the pipe I wanted was a stubby....but I'm glad I didn't get it, since I think the one I has "smokes" it!! :afro:

And how very rude of me not to make mention of your beautiful oom-paul. I love his rustications! That pipe has deepbass9 written all over it!

Riff raff, you got in the game just like I did...I know you're digging those bowls!
Great looking pipes deepbass, those two rhodesian type are unusual for JM. I've picked up a little mini-churchwarden Dan calls a "Wizard" a few times but haven't pulled the trigger.

Boswells has a nice lounge upstairs if you can stay for a smoke. JM says Saturday mornings are the time to show up, but I've yet to make it there on a Saturday.

He has a pretty decent tin selection and decent prices to boot. I'm a fan of his blends with the aforementioned "Magnum" and "Premium Burley" Blends my current favorites. I've tested quite a few tins, but keep coming back to JM's light english blends. They are cheap and smoke quite well. I just finished a bowl of Magnum in my bent while traveling near Atlantic City this evening.
Those aren't Boswells. They're the Yakslon and L'Antara. Unless you mean the very last two pictures...they're both the Yakslon, just one I took and one he did.

I like one style of the Wizard that the does, but he seems to do more of the ones I don't like. With my 2nd 'warden, though, I feel the wizardy enuff!
I've just spent the better part of an hour on the Boswell website. I haven't even received my first pipe (Peterson from Cup o Joes) and I already want to order one of these beautiful Boswell pipes. Any idea what time the new pipes are published online? Is it every Thursday? I am 8.5 hours ahead of east coast time and would love the chance to purchase one. Thanks for sharing fellas, great collections.
Yes, generally on Thursdays, 10am EDT.

They always have pipes in the store, they just don't post them all on the web. You can call and tell them what you're looking for and they'll let you know if they have it on the shelves.
Ask a question, get an answer...I love this forum. Thanks for the advice. I can't believe how quickly the pipes get sold, kinda speaks for themselves. In my VERY limited experience browsing pipes, the apparent quality and price seem too good to be true. I will definitely be giving them a call. Thanks again for the quick reply!
deepbass9":u6tsgef2 said:
Yes, generally on Thursdays, 10am EDT.

They always have pipes in the store, they just don't post them all on the web. You can call and tell them what you're looking for and they'll let you know if they have it on the shelves.
If you log on to Boswells site at 10:00 there might not be anything left :lol!: I would say start looking around 9:40...they go REAL FAST
Well guys some new Boswells went up this morning on the web site and as always I was checking every 3 min...LOL. I couldn't help myself when I saw JM's new Shot-Shell Egg - Sportsman’s Pipe so I called up and told Dan to box it up and send it over :D :D :D
Its a wonderful smooth all around with a 12 gage silver color shell band and a hand-cut acrylic orange pearlized sunburst color freehand stem. As soon as I get it I will post some pictures.

Also picked up 3oz of Raspberry Cream which I haven't tried.
Which number pipe did you get? Guessing #11. Congrats! You know you got a smoker!

#12 would have been my style...love his rustics.

Man that Fat Belly Nose Warmer is saweeet! Glad I don't check the page on Thursdays any more. Usually I wait until their sold, and then check them out.

I do really like his pokers, though. Kinda still want to add a poker to the collection one of these days...but with having 10 er 11, I just can't justify it...too many hobbies, not enough Benjamins!!

About the only pipes he makes that I've just not seen one that grabs me, is the bridge pipes. Not just his, though..any bridges. Funny how different we all can be!
deepbass9":jf32pl93 said:
Which number pipe did you get? Guessing #11. Congrats! You know you got a smoker!

#12 would have been my style...love his rustics.
Yup I picked up #11, I almost picked #12 but there was something about the way JM carved that egg shape on #11...loved it. Can't wait to see it in person.