Smoking in moderation?

Brothers of Briar

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Aug 20, 2011
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I'm about a month and a half into pipe smoking, usually smoking every other day or sometimes two days rest in between smokes....what is considered moderation to keep it safe?
jmwill":ojvmzprl said:
I'm about a month and a half into pipe smoking, usually smoking every other day or sometimes two days rest in between smokes....what is considered moderation to keep it safe?
Who knows? I think it's very individual. However, having said that, people can overdo anything and run into problems: drinking and eating are two major items that come to mind. I have a friend who over exercises and he's constantly injured and going to the clinic. There have been famous pipe smokers who lived longer than average lives. Mark Twain’s one. Former President Gerald Ford lived longer than any president and he was a confirmed, long time pipe smoker. Point is - it's a good question that’s hard to answer.

Myself? - about three bowls a day is satisfying. Once a week or so, I let it rip and smoke 5 or 6. Every so often, I go a day without. However, I'm retired and now write at home. When I was working 60 hours a week teaching and correcting papers, I smoked 1, maybe 2 bowls a day. Now I can smoke 10 a day if I wanted to, but I don't. That’s my moderation.
The epidemiological study that found pipe smokers lived longer defined its pipe smoker as non-inhaling, and smoking up to six medium bowls daily.

If you're not an inhaler, and you're smoking slow and cool, it's going to be very hard to go to excess. Your mouth and body will limit you sensibly--even when I have the time to smoke as much as I please, I top out on nicotine well before I reach the rate of long-term risk.
Moderation for me whrn it comes to smoking. I smoke 1-2 pipes a day tops, any more I get a bit nauseated. I also don’t like a heavy after taste or breath and really like my white teeth..

Airborne described me almost perfectly...except that I almost never get up to 6 bowls in a day, and I NEVER skip a day. :D
Agree with most of the comments above, your mouth will let you know how much is too much. I average two bowls a day, on a rare day (weekend or packing) I'll smoke three, and occasionally I'll only smoke one or skip a day. If I smoke more, my mouth gets sore and lets me know to back off a bit. Guess my mouth is smarter than my brain?

I used to smoke about 4 a day but have since cut back to about 2 a day. Given the imminent cost and availability factors coming, I'm trying to get down to 1 bowl a day and to take days off from smoking once or twice a week. I'm trying to build a lifetime cellar, better get used to not smoking so much.
Natch":t6io0twf said:
Agree with most of the comments above, your mouth will let you know how much is too much.
So true, Natch!
Moderation, for me, is 2-3 bowls a week. Keeps me wanting more. When I'm not smoking, I stay connected to the hobby through forums, EBay, and photography.
2 bowls/day for me. That might rise to 3 depending on the day. Also get in one cigar/day.

That's down from 2-3 cigars/day. Used to be primarily a cigar guy.


If I'm enjoying it, I'm not controlling it. If I'm controlling it, I'm not enjoying it.

I smoke more some days than others. Probably average 5-7 per day.
I'm 2/day during the week, 4-5/day on weekends. I'm only an outdoor smoker, so the start of winter will slow that down considerably. I rarely get tongue bite any more, I gather that I've learned to pace myself. I pack better now, so relights are minimal. Early on, lighting too often limited my smoking.
I also go 2 bowls/day or so. Occasionally on the weekend, I might do more. If I go more than 3, I usually take a day off.
Aside from my days off I typically smoke 0-2 times per day on work days and 1-5 to,es/ day on my days off.

So, that's an average of 12 bowls/ week or so.
I must say that I'm surprised at how few bowls per day some BOB regulars smoke. I would have guessed that there would be many more that enjoyed 3, 4, 5, or more bowls per day -- every day! Interesting...
forsooth":cumuvja1 said:
I must say that I'm surprised at how few bowls per day some BOB regulars smoke. I would have guessed that there would be many more that enjoyed 3, 4, 5, or more bowls per day -- every day! Interesting...
I'm here to save you. I usually smoke almost continually here at my 'puter, so probably 7 bowls or so a day. I don't smoke at weekends though, as SWMBO is on the prowl and she's not a huge fan...

Ask me if I'm a man or a mouse...

1/day and a couple days a week 2/day. a long time ago, I would smoke 4 big bowls/day; back when I collected some of the biggest pipes I could find. The job situation allowed for it, though. 6-8 hours/day of smoking was just too much, and sometimes, my body would rebel. I look forward to my one bowl a day now, and it serves almost more like a reward than any sort of habit. Semantics? maybe.
I average 3-5 bowls a weeks, but he heat outside has slowed me down... can't wait for cooler weather!
forsooth":ctqkkuix said:
I must say that I'm surprised at how few bowls per day some BOB regulars smoke. I would have guessed that there would be many more that enjoyed 3, 4, 5, or more bowls per day -- every day! Interesting...
I was surprised as well - I am at least 4 per day - probably closer to 6-7

I was a heavy (pack a day) cigg smoker before returning to the pipe.