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Brothers of Briar

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Good morning,
Starting off this rainy day with a D/B straight rhodesian, 7 seas regular blend and a mug of Starbucks Yukon coffee. Seems to me that Blitz 9mm filters seem to only work and fit German pipes ? They work great in Oldenkott,Design/Berlin, Vauen. Not so well in Danish,French,Irish pipes.Wish I had known this before I bought 200 of them.
Good Afternoon Friends.
Still buzzing over the Women bringing home the European Cup yesterday, in fact the whole country is buzzing. But anyway. At the risk of upsetting SturdyPapa who hates these things 😉.
I'm going to start breaking in this new Genoa bowl, on a limited edition Falcon Twisted Stem. (Robot arm to Study) 🤣 I'm going to plug it with Charatans First Bowl and light up.Have a great day my friends


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76° and cloudy. Might rain. Stanwell with new Luxury Navy Flake. A fine smoke. 8/10.

While I'm here, that without-age Night Train has so much nuttiness and what I'd call "true tobacco flavor". A lot of that is lost in aging. If you're lucky, it gets replaced with rich prune and date sweetness and depth. On the other end, it can age into a tangy and sharp heaviness.
Half way through this bowl from a freshly opened tin of year 2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Finally had a good night's sleep.
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Enjoyed a tasty cinnamon raisin French toast lunch with a sliced peach on the side. I'm smoking Now smoking Watch City Beta Test Blend #1 in a black 1980 sandblasted Peterson Premiere 01 medium bend pot with a black vulcanite p-lip stem. This is the first Peterson that I bought. Trying to get a couple of things done before my weekly Sunday pipe zoom.
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Medium bend pot???
Wow, really slept in this morning. Can't believe we didn't get up till after 8. Dinner at a friends house last night. Got home really late. Still tired, lol. Anyway, back to my go to, Urban Cowboy in the huge Don Carlos bent dublin. On my second mug of cowboy coffee. Zeno, horses are great, just be aware they are like people and can have totally different personas. From sweet, loving in your pocket breeds to romping, stomping stubborn little shitheads, lol.
Just took delivery of a tin of Gawith Hoggarth Summer Reserve. Now I've not tried this tobacco before, it was recommended to me, as something to smoke on a long hot day.
I'm not up to opening and plugging it today, as I appear to have picked up a cold. And I want to taste it and cogitate.


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Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am not far from finishing this bowl of Watch City Beta Test Blend #1 in a black 1980 sandblasted Peterson Premiere 01 medium bend pot with a black vulcanite p-lip stem. This is the first Peterson that I bought. Lavazza Espresso, neat, is my drink.
Close to wrapping up this about 5 years old Escudo. The first VaPer I really grew to love. Stuffed and twisted about a couple coins into this barely smoked newly acquired bowl for my Dr. Grawbow Viking bent. Just got the bowl with another smaller one off ebay. Marked "Mexico", and it worked well. The inner 1.3 deep x .75 inch wide bowl gave me well over and hour with a little forced DGT added in. The Escudo was great.
Had a light snack, and am smoking KBV Butternut Fluff beta test in a medium bend fumed tan crackled year 2020 Ahmet Govem reverse calabash meerschaum with a military mount silver band and black acrylic stem. This meer is great for reviewing aros.
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