Not far from finishing this bowl of Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth straight thin shank and stem with an aluminum band Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica.
I'm going all Grizzly Adams at lunchtime today with some C&D Grand Croupier Double Down in a roadside distraction cherrywood. Now, where did I put that bear..?
Off to a meeting in a few minutes, but I've already packed an Italian mini-church warden basket briar with some Salty Dogs for the drive home afterwards
A couple minutes away from smoking Condor Ready Rubbed in an undated fancy designed tall, thin bowl medium bend Waren Zeichen Viennese Coffeehouse Bombay clay with a white acrylic stem.
This evening, it's a bowl of Frog Morton's Cellar in an Old Rarity. I know that this blend is well liked by many and I can kind of see why, but it never quite hits the mark for me. I like it well enough to keep trying though.