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Brothers of Briar

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I'm on a different path (and I don't have any Viking Dark) ... :clown:

McChrystals O&G


Toque Pomegranate
McChrystals O&G after breakfast

Toque Pomegranate mid morning

Toque Chocolate / Toffee mix before lunch
(This mix seems to bring out more chocolate flavor and longer lasting)

Berwyck Brown several times during the day, ending the day with Santo Domingo.
WOS Sandalwood, a cup of black coffee, a great eye opener for a monday :suspect:
A birthday sized toot of Viking Dark with some fresh brewed black coffee.

Trying to clear the cobwebs. The gin and tonics were going down a little too easy last night..:drunken: ;)
After breakfast: McChrystals O&G
Before lunch: Toque Pomegranate
Mid afternoon: F&T Old Paris
Ended last evening with some OM Suzette (in honor of Yvette's passing) :(

Begin the day by joining eklektos44 with some PG Apricot.    

Ahhhhhhh ...