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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Dramatwist


    This brother is so reliable, he's fast becoming my #1 source for aromatics!! A+. Shawn rocks.
  2. Dramatwist

    Favorite Out-in-the-Woods Pipe

    Bros, What is your favorite hiking/river-running/fishing/hunting pipe? Mine is the ever-present Falcon with an additional bowl. Best,
  3. Dramatwist

    Sweet-Scented Cake Layer

    Yesterday, while sanding out the interior of an old Falcon bowl (gently, with fine-grit paper) a sweet scent presented itself. Of course, I stopped sanding. Not a candy or sugar scent, but a tobacco-out-in-the-morning-going-fishing sweet smell... I hesitate to smoke it now... don't want to...
  4. Dramatwist

    "When I am worried and I can't sleep..."

    Old, well-loved Mercedes in for repairs... $$$. Grown son, coming back from Kalamazoo, MI to live with us for a while... Tax time not looking good for us this year. Yet... Family friend offered gratis use of nice SUV during repairs to Mercedes... Anticipating a father/son trip to Disneyland...
  5. Dramatwist

    The Tobacco Pouch

    I used to carry an inexpensive (invariably plaid) roll-up tobacco pouch. Difficult to find these days. Tried several leather zip-ups and ceased because of the inconsistent seal. The zip-lock baggie works well, but... is a bit like a kid with a sack lunch. What is your choice? Just on your...
  6. Dramatwist

    KB&B Yello-Bole Rhodesian 'Blast with Penzance

    Todd Harris! You rocked this restoration! I'm an old guy and seldom use the term "rocked". In this case, no other adjective seemed appropriate... or is it a verb? Thanks and Best Regards,
  7. Dramatwist


    Good Folks, I've been doing some pipe-related reading recently, which prompted a consideration of my own indiscriminate collection. I admire the "Connoisseur" pipe smokers who have the means to explore the upper-reaches of artisan pipe-makers... and I wish them well. I very much enjoy reading...
  8. Dramatwist

    Humble Thanks

    Thanks to those Brothers for the recent trades. You know who you are. Honestly, it was a load lifted... when I purchased that 1 and 1/2 pounds of Penzance, I felt... first of all, happy to have so much. Then... I felt selfish and ashamed of the hoarding instinct. Now I have more than enough...
  9. Dramatwist

    New Pipe

    Nice Peterson Calabash Rustic Fishtail arrived today. I like small pipes. This is a Dunhill Group 2 in size. Same family as my Belgique Rustic, a Group 1. Small pipes make my tobacco last longer, and I enjoy the handling of them. Used to be easy to post an image. Now, not so much, especially...
  10. Dramatwist

    Tobaccos Come and Go

    ...but you Brothers are always here. Humble Thanks, Martin
  11. Dramatwist


    I am very pleased in anticipation of shipping out a couple of packages to my Brothers of Briar tomorrow! Not so much for what I'll receive in return... mostly for the opportunity of sharing with others a bit of my good fortune. This avocation of ours is a wonderful thing, and is made more so...
  12. Dramatwist


    I must confess... in a wrong-headed attitude, I purchased a very large quantity of "Penzance", just because it was available. I enjoy smoking this blend, but it is not the end-all and be-all of... anything. I enjoy smoking other tobaccos. Aromatics included. I wouldn't want to smoke "Penzance"...
  13. Dramatwist

    Very Pleased

    Very pleased to have negotiated transactions with fellow BOB members for trade of tobacco and pipes. Where else could this have taken place on this earth, in this day and age?
  14. Dramatwist

    Thoughts on Recent GBD Acquisition

    Bros, I began smoking a pipe in the early 1970s. A friend and I (and this friend is my friend to this day) began by declaring the day after Christmas our personal "Pipe Day". At that initial day and declaration, we had ourselves a revel! Beer, a good meal, a trip to a local B & M for pipes...
  15. Dramatwist

    Gone, but Not Forgotten

    Brothers, As you can see from my profile, my 40 years as a Pipeman have been peppered with a taste for tobaccos that for one reason or another have become discontinued or difficult to come by... "Amphora" "Balkan Sobranie" (The Original). "Field and Stream" "Skallorna" "Penzance" Hmm. I...
  16. Dramatwist

    Happy Camper

    Cellard today: 1 Pound of Penzance. An additional 8 oz. In the Tobacco Jar. Happy? Silly question. Best Regards,
  17. Dramatwist

    Falcon Dry Rings

    Bros, Recently tried the above product after many years of smoking Falcons sans Dry Rings. First impression... seems to impede draw. Your experience? Best,
  18. Dramatwist


    In private, I smoke Penzance and other English blends. In public, aromatics. I am happy to be finally out of the closet. Best,
  19. Dramatwist

    Pipe Gifts

    Any of you brothers receive a pipe for Christmas (or your preferred Holiday of the season)? Graphics appreciated. Myself? Unfortunately, no. Cheers,
  20. Dramatwist

    Brick and Mortar

    Your preferred "Brick and Mortar", whether in person or online and why? Mine is "Telford's" in Mill Valley, CA... a huge selection of estate pipes in almost every price range. A Very Peaceful Day to You Brethren,